With the inside decorating anyway. The top of the piano was my last available (big) surface. So I decided to tackle that today. You see this little guy on the box below? Well, he was
also on my "Bucket List", thanks to Cherry's Jubilee. : ) So..........another Check Mark!

I got his head at Michael's. It originally looked like a miniature trick-or-treat bucket w/ a handle. I just cut off the wire handle.

Did any of you buy these 3 skeletons in a row, holding votives, from Target several years ago? I'll love them forever.

Mr. Cat proudly sporting his repaired ear. : )

I like to think of these little trick-or-treaters as my brother, Steve, and me. We were the "two little kids" in the family and I was Steve's shadow most of the time while growing up. (Sorry Steve!) However, you wouldn't even believe how many times he let me tag along without a hint of complaint. He even let me come along on my bike to help him collect for his paper route in the afternoons. Sometimes he would also let me tear off the payment stubs to give to his customers. WHAT FUN! I remember him keeping the stubs and the money he collected in a tin band-aid box. Isn't it funny the things that stick out in a child's mind?

Happy Halloween Steve! And Diana, and Andy and June! : )

Here's a wooden black cat I painted back in the Dark Ages. He's a black plaid.

Okay, onto the fun stuff. I got this little vintage cat at 75% off because of his broken ear.

I brought him home and applied some Femo clay.

Painted it black to match the rest of him.

And covered one of those little $1.00 M.E. boxes we all pick up from Michael's, to act as a base for the cat.

Now on to the "Pumpkin on the box". To gather crepe paper, use a needle and thread.

Pull it tight to make a circle.

Cut a lot of slits in a long strip and then roll it up for the top of the hat.

The collar is made out of nice, sturdy paper.

Hot glue the collar on top of the box (which I covered earlier).

For my faithful readers, you will remember a post WAY back that was subtitled, 'In Praise of Never Throwing Anything Away...EVER!' Well, case in point...I needed a shiny pipe cleaner for the clown hat, so I went out to my garage & pulled down the box that said
Crafts, and there these beauties were. Just had to add glue & glitter. That rubber band is SO OLD that it had petrified. Hee-hee.

And there you have it...another piece of "Psycho Art" as my daughter, Sara, would say. Sara, you're so CUTE!! : )
I love to be commenter #1 (hee hee)! Your decorations are so cute. I really love the story about you and your brother. What a sweet memory!
Wow, I love it! It seriously looks like you bought that, I can't believe you made it yourself! You should sell those things, great job!
Your blog makes me smile. I have always loved your style. I didn't know that you could "take it to the next level" I am totally impressed with your vision and talent. Your my connection to the Ray 2nd now that I'm way out in the Q.C.
Oh, love the little boy and girl trick or treaters! Those are adorable. :)
Okay, I am thoroughly impressed. Tell me, how you made his face. Was it that paper mache stuff? I just love your blog. Janis
So very cute!
ADORABLE...thanks for the step by step. I guess this one I'll save for next year.
Mary Lou, your house looks absolutely AMAZING!!!! You are so talented! Love you.
What a great job with everything! Love the trick or treaters.
Psycho Art? What a cute phrase. LOL!!
Your decorations are amazing!! Thanks for the tutorial on the project too. I love so many of your decorations that I cannot choose a favorite.
THis looks so great! I love the Halloween vignette, and you did a great job on your craft!
How CUTE! I used the very same 'head' on the box I copied from Cherry! Don't you love him??
Again, I am so blown away by your creations. You are so awesome!!! Everyday I visit your blog is such a treat!!! Thank you for that.
Psycho Art is the best! Everything looks great. Love it all~!
Hey I've been thinking about your mom off and on all week and praying for her since you had posted about her getting blood tests. I'm praying the Lord keeps her well~
Take Care,
Super cute stuff! What could you do with a button, a pipecleaner, and some stickytak? You are the MacGyver of seasonal decorating!
LoVe your halloween decorations! Thanks for the how to, I'll have to try that!
Your creativity is amazing. Do you think you could briefly share your method for putting together the banner? I would appreciate it. Jackie
Everything looks absolutely fantastic! I am so inspired.
OK I'm going to have to make the halloween cone man too. I'm having a baby shower at my house next week and wish I wasn't so I could get out my craft mess. Instead I've got to clean and make refreshments....Love all your stuff. Thanks again for the pattern. Mimi
Your so festive! Your decorations really get me in the Fall mood. I love the step by step project you did. That is the only way for me to know how to do a project-is if I see it done!
Your home is so festive and each vignette is so beautifully and carefully put together, very pretty!
I love the way you "think" outside the box. If something's broken, you fix it better than new! I now know somebody that can do anything and it's you!
Blessings - Debbie
Fun Halloween decor!
He is adorable. Marie used the same head on her version. I saw those at Michaels in several different characters. cherry
cute! I too love those skeleton candle holders! Your skeleton man/clown looks great! Don't you just love when people post ideas and we all get to copy? i love it! One of the main reason I blog, just so I can copy!
What a cute pumpkin man and I love the tutorial...thanks for sharing it!
P.S. You may have said something about this already and I missed it, but how did you make those pumpkins on your mantle in the photo in your header? I love them and would love to copy you! :)
I LOVE everything that you have done! It's like stepping into a darling little boutique!:) Thank you so much for the wonderful ideas for my grandmother. I will be on the lookout for the dress stamp and must try the glitter! So fun! I will be stop by again soon!:) Lori
So cute!! I love your Boo sign! I love it in the round frame. Did you print that out, stencil, vinyl? It all looks amazing! Cherry would be proud!
Oh yes, I would say you are pretty much ready for Halloween!!
Band-Aid tins. Yes, I remember. I also remember candy bars being in "paper" wrappers not this celophane stuff of today ~ and a gas station attendant actually pumping our gas AND giving us Gold Bell or Green Stamps. Oh no, am I dating myself, or what?
You are so creative. I like Mr. Cat the best. Oh, by the way, you have an award waiting for you on my blog!
Annabelle :)
Mary Lou- Thank you so much for this new tip! I will be checking on-line for the table jewels! Oh, and I think I found the dress stamp from Inkadinkadoo on ebay!:) Lori
Good morning! I am sooo glad you posted how to make one of these creations! It is sooo cute, and you make it look sooo easy! Thank you. I love coming to your blog and reading all your clever ideas, and the projects you do. It is wonderful!
All of it is CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!
Love all the decorations! We moved in June, and I still haven't been able to find my fall decor, so I'm incredibly jealous, especially of that cute little guy you made! So creative.
Hands down, you have THE best Halloween decor of anyone I've seen. I love every single thing you have! I can't wait to see how you decorate for other holidays! No pressure, of course. :)
Adorable crafts!! Great job:-)
Oh my gosh, I love the pumpkins across your mantle and the wonderful Halloween decor you have graced your home with. Thanks for the tutorial for the pumpkin on a box. I am going to try this one for sure. He is sooo cute! Love the part about you and your brother.
I wanted to let you know that I tried my hand with the spooky tree and I have a picture of it, with a link to your blog, on my blog. Go check it out. :)
Thanks for all of the great inspiration!
Love the Halloween decorations...wish I had your talent!!!
Very cute decorations and pumpkin man. I wish we had nice halloween decorations in the stores over here but the few stores that do carry stock just have crappy costumes and cheap plastic scary masks and things.
I'm very glad that I found you when I was looking for some pictures of dead black trees. I absolutely love your little to big creations. :D
Keep up the good work.
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