I am re-posting this for a Mr. Linky party over at Frills, Fluff, and Trucks. She is having a party and a giveaway. Be sure to check it out by clicking on her highlighted blog name in my first sentance. Have fun!
IF...I have at least two weeks notice. : ) Because "company's coming" always puts the fire under us to get things done we've been procrastinating . Case in point...the upstairs bathroom.
Here's how it all started. One day while at Lowe's I noticed this gallon of paint on the "oops" table for $5.00. It was the exact color Sara had been asking for in that bathroom. For some reason, when we moved into this house many moons ago, the girls claimed the upstairs bathroom and the boys claimed the downstairs one. Lately, Sara has wanted this bathroom to be a little more "hip and happenin' " (she loves it when I use that term.....not!) Hee-hee. : )
This bathroom use to be a mint green with all ice cream parlor colors for the accessories...pastel green, yellow, pink and blue. This new color is more of an olive green.
Sara picked out the new shower curtain and I got all the new towels and rug from my favorites...Ross, Marshall's and TJ Maxx.
Some new art work was definitely called for! I suppose this little number was clearanced because of a scuffed up corner and a nick on the side.

I decided to cover it with a great piece of scrapbook paper and a print I distressed the edges of.

I put some 3-D spacers on the back of the print so it would stand away from the plaque. (Photo below).
Below: a close-up of my rolled up wash cloths.
Next: More art work. I bought these three square plaques for about $11.00 each. I know styrofoam is cheaper, but I was feeling lazy. And since no one in this household drinks alcohol, I knew I would need to cover them.
IF...I have at least two weeks notice. : ) Because "company's coming" always puts the fire under us to get things done we've been procrastinating . Case in point...the upstairs bathroom.

Wow, you bathroom is sooo nice. You are so creative. The details are awesome and I love everything!
The bathroom looks awesome and I love your unique decorating ideas to make it just yours. Great ideas. I'll be tacking the main bathroom in my house very soon and I'm a little torn on what to do. But, you've given me a couple of ideas that I've marked for future reference. Thanks! Be sure to show us your cleaning progress as you move along. : )
Great looking bathroom!
that looks great!!!
This looks so GOOD that I'm actually sitting here lickin' my chops! I love your vision and I dare say you can do anything.
Hope you have a wonderful week.
Blessings - Debbie
Hip and Happinin' indeed! :)
I love to see projects with scrapbook paper! This looks awesome! I love,love,love your blog. Smiles, Paula
It looks fantastic! What do you use to glue on the scrapbook paper? Do you antique it all with the chalk? Even the edges of the cards?
One more thing that has made a huge difference to my builder non-custom cabinets is adding hardware. Look online for it. Way cheaper than Lowes.
Holy cow, my friend....I have company coming on Wed for the week, and I all I can do is try and shove all the stuff under the beds, sofas, closets....heee hee.
It is AWESOME, and seeing as you have a bit of free time, please come help me tomorrow. :)
You are too clever! Love how the artwork turned out! And the bathcloths are so pretty in the little bucket-thingy! Great job.
great job, I just love what you did!
The bathroom looks great, and that artwork is fantastic!
Everything's gorgeous! I agree - nothing like company coming to light the fire under me, either. :) I've got a bunch of company coming soon, and I am hard at work, too. Hope you have a wonderful week!
I'm just like you-I need to hear the words "company's coming" before I start really getting serious! Why do we do this to ourselves??? :)
I love your bathroom and all the work you did to it~Perfect colors!
My company is coming for Thanksgiving I REALLY should get busy-Should being the main word! :)
Have a great week,
CUTE! I just love how the ribbon adds to the decor. The colors are perfect! :-)
That bathroom is so cute! I love Lowes, and I love love love TJ Maxx! Can't you just find some great stuff there. I love what you did with the scrapbook paper. You are so creative! Thanks for sharing!
Those plaques turned out so cute. We are feverishly working on the basement because our daughter and grand daughters are coming for 2 weeks in Nov. Trying to get 2 bedrooms taped, painted, trimmed, carpeted and decorated in 20 days! Mimi
absolutely beauti-mous! yey for houseguests and the fear, i mean inspiration, their arrival brings:)
Hey there I just tagged you! Check out my blog for the details! Have a great day!
HAH this reminds me so much of my bathroom re-do post...and I was motivated by the same thing! GUESTS. If people didn't visit I wouldn't get anything done! Your bath turned out darling! I love the creative artwork and the other little tweaks that made it even better than it already was!
Beautiful!! And I'm so excited because I used that same green scrapbook paper do to some wall art in the past for some gifts for people. And if Mary Lou did it too, then I must have made a good choice!! Wahoo!
Very cute! I love that bow on the floral container.
oh this looks great....I wonder if I can take the numbers on the bottom of the can a get a copy of that olive green. I love it. Very hip and happenin'
Too pretty!! I am now going to have to check out the damaged area of Ross, TJ Maxx and Marshalls and not overlook these great pictures for ideas!! I have more scrapbook paper than I will ever be able to make into books!!
Looks amazing! I know what you mean about company coming. I've gotten more done in the past two weeks than I have in the past two months, simply because I had company in town this weekend!
I love the bathroom the colors look so good together. Don't you just love scrap book paper!
I love the colors of the bathroom and the art is wonderful you did a great job!!
Yup, nothing like the two little words. . ."coming coming" to encourage us to spruce things up a bit around the house.
Everything looks GREAT!! Good job. Hit return before I was finished.
The bathroom looks fantastic with all of your special touches!
It's nice to have a reason to gets things done, even if it gives you a little more stress because you have a dead line.
Very cute. Now I need you to come on over and help me figure out how to decorate my bathroom. It is cute, but it has orange tiles in the shower. I just don't know what to do with that!
WOW!! I don't know where you get all of your ideas, and all of your energy.
I have left you an award back at my place. :)
I've been BOO-ED now you have too. Come by my blog and pick up the Halloween Link. Just link it back to me, then go BOO your friends and have them link back to you.
You are so right...I am having a house full of company for Halloween, and I have so much to do to get my house ready. I love your upstairs bathroom. Super happy... I know your company will feel right at home. Leslie
Looks beautiful! Great job on all the artwork :)
WOW...what a stunning bathroom. Those changes made ALL the difference.....LOVE it!!!
I'm waiting to see your house in Better Homes and Gardens! :)
I just love your bathroom! And i am so "digging" the shower curtain! LOL! My daughter would cring at that statement, but I do think it is really pretty and hip! Everything looks great, including your personalized projects!
The guest/craft room below is really pretty and inviting too! It is a happy room! ~Rhonda :)
Isn't it funny how one little thing will trigger an entire room makeover? That looks fantastic! Can't beat the "oops" paint!
It looks awesome! You did a great job on all the artwork!
Your bathroom looks so good! Great deal on the paint. And I LOVE how you reworked your art work. It looks so good!
Everything looks sooooo good! I love the color scheme and style!
Love everything you did in this bathroom...nothing like a little company to get motivated!
This looks fantastic and I love how you reused the art!! I always choose to clean for company about three hours before they arrive...makes for a fun few hours for sure. ;)
Looks marvy! Love the ribbon around the container. cherry
Very inspirational. I love all your beautiful and inexpensive ideas. Thank you for sharing all the details.
Very nice. Out of all the lovely changes, the ribbon on the towel is my favorite. Simple and easy to change up, nice touch.
I like the before and the after of the bathroom! :) A win-win situation!
~ Sarah
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