A little late because real life happens. In a perfect world all we would do is blog and create. : )

While my parents were engaged they bought this new automobile so they could travel from California to Iowa, during their honeymoon, to meet part of my Dad's side of the family.

I got extremely brave and colored my Mom's hair this past week. She looks pleased. : )

Here's the little tree I brought over to my Mom's place and decorated on another night last week.

I couldn't believe I found rust ornaments. Rust is one of my Mom's favorite colors.

Hope you're enjoying the holidays with the ones you love!
I am so touched my your gentle love for your mom,her hair looks beautiful,
and so does the tree.
oops typo it should say by,not my
Mom is looking good, love the new hair! Very cute Christmas tree, I too love the color rusty!
Have a very special day!
You did a great job with her hair ...she looks beautiful. You should of suggested pink for her and entered her in the contest...just kidding. The ornaments are gorgeous too. I went with that color and silver this year.
You did a fabulous job on your mothers' hair. Looks very natural and beautiful! LOVE the tree you put up and the ornaments are lovely.
One of the main reasons I visit your blog is for "Wednesday's with My Mom" (and your decorating of course). Good for you for being with your mom and doing special things that she enjoys. My mom lives thousands of miles away...what I wouldn't give to share more time with her.
Kudos and Merry Christmas.
Your mama's hair looks so good - you did a great job. :) She's just so cute.
And the tree is gorgeous, too. I hope you have a great Sunday!
Her hair looks great! You are brave and talented!
Precious mom, precious memories you have been given to treasure. Mom's hair came out wonderful. It's rust-like color matches her chair and her tree ornaments. So she must be triple pleased :)
Merry CHRISTmas!
The times that you are sharing with your Mom now are going to provide you with a lifetime of memories and you are making her later years very special as well. As an earlier commenter said, I visit your blog for these posts and the decorating as well :) You did a great job on her hair by the way :)
How sweet is your Mom, you are such a devoted daughter. I love the tree you did for her...your mom and I love the same colors!
Her hair looks like it came out very well. The Christmas tree is lovely.
You are such a dear to take such loving care of your mother. I lost my mother last year and miss her terribly and wish she was still here with us. It warms my heart to see how much you love and care for your mom.
It is so nice to see your devotion to your mom! Thank you for sharing all of her vintage pictures too!
oh what a sweet post I love your mom's hair and her tree looks great love the color.
I love those skinny trees they can fit most anywhere. Your mom's hair looks great. Give her a hug for me. Mimi
I really enjoy reading your "Wednesdays with Mom" posts. You are both lucky to have that special time together.
I love your Wednesdays with my mom.. it makes me cry but I love it. My mother passed the end of August and I am struggling so much this holiday season.
You are truly a wonderful daughter.
Love her tree , our 1st ornaments when we got married were rust and maroon ... I would send them all to you if they werent all in storage back in the states!
Love her new do :)
Have a wonderful Holiday!
Beautiful tree, and beautiful mom!!
Off the subject. Could you have Emily call me? Jeanette 480-227-6577. Thanks!
What a cute tree. You are so nice to do that for your mom! I think her hair looks great!
Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I left an award for you on my blog today :o)
I too am touched by your loving care for your mom. Her hair looks great and so glad you found rust ornaments for thr tree.
Merry Christmas!
Well, I think my love for your cute-as-a-button mom is quite clear, but now I'm in love with her cute-as-a-button tree! Good job! She must love it.
I just heard on hgtv today that copper and teal were replacing blue and brown...so I guess your mama's rust is now copper and very stylish!
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