We've owned our ClearPlay DVD player for over a year now and I can't tell you how much I LOVE it. I am receiving absolutely no compensation for sharing this, just the satisfaction of trying to give our children and grandchildren (and your family) a little better world to live in.
I love the fact that we can watch an entire movie with NO swearing, or "junk" that is so prevalent in today's world.
The only problem is that sometimes I forget to tell people, when recommending a movie we bought or rented, that we saw it with lots of the "junk" removed. Oops! : )
If you Google: ClearPlay DVD player, you'll see them for sale everywhere. When they first came out a couple years ago, they were sold at Target Stores. I'm not sure if they still are or not. I haven't checked lately.
Cut and pasted from the ClearPlay.com Site:
Q. How does it work ?
A. The ClearPlay DVD player seamlessly skips and mutes content based on 12 categories that you can set. ClearPlay Filters are hand-crafted by at team of Filter Developers who watch the movie and masterfully select where the player will remove content.
ClearPlay works with thousands of movies. New Filters are generally made available the same day as new releases.
Filters are then made available to members via a very easy-to-use download process. You can then copy the entire Filter library to your FilterStik™. Once inserted into your ClearPlay player any movie will automatically be filtered.
Our subscription (for downloading new filters to brand new movies out) is under $8.00 a month. And you get to choose how much or how little filtering you want. We bought ours on sale for $60.00, plus tax. When I looked into the links over at Google, I saw all kinds of prices. Granted, ours is about 1 1/2 years old, but it is just the basic black one they offer.
Love it, Love it! If you want more info, just click on the highlighted link in my first sentence.
Happy Sunday evening,
Hi M.L. This is fantastic. Thank you for passing on the info.
So nice to see you and thank you for your visit to my blog.
Have a nice evening and great week.
Blessings, Celestina Marie
Oh that's awesome, I didn't even know this thing existed. I really pick and choose carefully what my girls watch and some teen movies that would be great movies but sometimes have adult language thrown in are passed up because I don't want them hearing it. Thank you SOOO much for sharing this. I'll have to check it out!
♥ Teresa
That is really interesting! I have never heard of the ClearPlay DVD.
great review! Thanks for sharing!
Holy guacamole! I had no idea they even made these things! That's cool, I'm gonna go check em out!
Thanks for sharing!
I've never heard of this before. What a great idea especially if you have children around. I just read your comment on my blog. I've never heard "Clever Connie" before...thank you! You know, I forgot to post an after picture of that croquet set. Thanks for reminding me.
Every home with small children or any children should have that, alot of movies need editing in my opinion!!!
Thanks for that one, The timing was perfect!!
Hi ML, The banner arrived and is PERFECT! I had left feedback in your etsy account and neglected to leave you a comment here. I'm soooooo sorry for the oversight! Forgive me?? Pretty please??? I will be looking for more things from you in the future. If you check my etsy account, you'll see I'm a big supporter! :)
Wow, this is a great little invention! I wish they would have had this when my kids were little.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment!!
I had no idea there was such a thing. I will certainly look into this for my grands. Thank you for passing this onto me. Learning new things is a good thing:)
that is so cool. I've never heard of that before. I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the info.
I will definitely need to look into this! What a wonderful feature!
Congratulations! You won my posie giveaway! Please e-mail me and let me know if you would like a 4th of July posie or one made in your favorite colors!:) Lori
Thanks for giving us a review. I saw one of these about a year ago, and wondered how people really like it. Thanks.
Mary Lou
I've never heard of this! I wouldn't mind having one for myself; sometimes the grown-up stuff is so gratuitous....not a fan of that.
This is really cool! Thanks for sharing this with us! Kelly
Seriously, just a couple days ago we were talking about this after turning a movie off. THANKS for posting the link!!! Love you guys :)
First Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a sweet comment. Next I want to apologize for not visiting sooner as I have had some health issues this past week and just didn't feel well enough to blog but finally ended up going to see my doctor, and now I am much better and am so happy to be visiting friends again.
And a great big thank you for this information as we enjoy movies do not enjoy bad languages nor scenes. I did not know they had this, I will certainly be checking it out as we are expecting grandchildren to visit soon too!
Just the other day one of the kids asked if there was a version of some movie without all the "junk". I said, "I wish!" Now I know! Thanks.
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