I have to choke back tears of gratitude as I write this post. Gratitude for the army of prayers that were sent up in our family's behalf and gratitude to God for granting so many little 'tender mercies' as we made this monumental change in our mother's life.
So...it started a week ago today, right after my brother flew in from a business trip. We three local siblings planned to all meet up over at Mom's place after his plane landed to have a heart to heart talk with her.
So...it started a week ago today, right after my brother flew in from a business trip. We three local siblings planned to all meet up over at Mom's place after his plane landed to have a heart to heart talk with her.
We talked to her about the changes that had to occur for her own well-being and safety...(SO many factors)! The three of us sat and talked for about an hour???and got her to come around (ever so slowly...one baby step at a time) with lots of time to let things settle in and digest. It was one of the hardest things we've done. But finally in the end, when we asked my mom if she understood and would agree to it, she quietly shook her head, yes. We wanted to leave on a happy note, so the three of us took her out to lunch, before my brother loaded her up to spend a long weekend at his house an hour and a half away.
With lots of work, (and help from some wonderful people)...and a few more little miracles, we were able to get her moved over into the new place Wednesday, and finish up Thursday.
The photo above is of her new bed at the new place. Below, is "Sam", the owner of the in-home-residential elderly care. She said she didn't mind at all if I spent the first two nights in the other twin bed in my mom's room. I love her already.

Steve saying goodnight to Mom on that first night. I was staying in the bed off to his left. He didn't kiss me goodnight cuz he knew I would have slugged him. Hee-hee!
Before I go, I just wanted to say a little something about "MIRACLES". I realize this is a very fragile word and I always try to be careful when using it. Several years ago all of our family, friends, and even wonderful people we hardly knew, joined us in prayer, hoping for a miracle. Despite all the prayers, and all the faith, this time the answer was, "no". So I had to take my faith to a whole new level. The next level. That being... having faith that God knows best, and that someday He will show us the big picture and we will understand completely, why things had to be the way they were.

Shortly after this extremely hard growing experience, my big brother, Andy, called me on the phone one day and said he wanted to share a quote he'd recently heard:
In the end, everything will be fine.
If it's not fine........
It's not the end yet! : )
That quote makes me smile every time. I take it to mean that after we're all worn out and finished with this old life, and we tried our hardest to be good and do good (not perfect by any stretch of the imagination) that we will be reunited with all of our loved ones, never to be separated again. And then..................everything will be fine!
Thank you again, my sweet blogging friends, family & friends.
I'm sorry for not commenting on your post the other day. I'm so happy that your Mom is all settled & I hope that she'll be very happy there. My ex, late MIL (who was the mother I never had) had Alzheimers, too. It was just heartbreaking. She went to live in a very nice nursing home...but still not home. I understand everything y'all are going through & my prayers are with y'all.
You'll still remain in my thoughts and prayers. I know this is an emotional process for you!
It sounds like you all handled the hard task very lovingly and wonderfully. It already sounds like Sam is a great caregiver. Hopefully, your Mom felt comfortable sleeping in the new bed and will adjust without any problems. I am holding all of you in my prayers during this transition.
Hope you have a great 4th.♥
I'm so happy that this has worked out for Grandmother. Your post was so sweet and your beautiful words about miracles touched me so much! Love you Mary Lou!
I cried as I read your blog, God Bless you, that must be the hardest decision as a family to make. I'm so glad you stayed the night with her, so she could maybe make it feel like home to her, in time it will. I'm so glad you shared that quote from your brother as well, cause you are right, sometimes God's will isn't our will. I'm wishing you a Very Happy 4th of July and enjoy the family this week-end!!!
I'll keep Momma in my prayers
We have been having a tough time of late, and that quote totally made me smile. Its now on a Post-It, on the side of the computer, giving me a little more faith each time I read it. Thanks!
I'm so glad this was a smooth transition for you and your momma. You all are wonderful for being there and doing this for her. My dad and his sisters were never able to get my grandma to do something like this. And it hurt them all, and hurt her too. :(
And so a new journey begins for your sweet mother...and all of you.
I'll keep you all in my prayers ~ I pray the Lord fills each of you with peace and that you'll trust that He has it all in His control.
I love the quote Andy shared with you ~ it's a keeper for me!
Hugs to you and your Mom!
Thank you so much for taking care of my sweet grandmother and for taking such good care of me too. Your attention to detail and empathy for the fears and sorrows of others is a gift. Thank you for always taking time for me. XOXO
I love you so much, Mary Lou!
Hug your mom for me. I'm sorry I didn't know about the Alzheimer's--that's so hard. Andy's right: it's not the end yet.
Love you!
I feel for you and your post made me tear up...I will always keep you and your family in my prayers...We had to put my grandmother in a nursing home and I hated it and I cried and cried but over time it got a little easier and I did special things for her like make sure she had fresh flowers and my grandmother liked chocolate so I would bring her chocolates ( once in awhile or she would eat the candy and skip dinner..LOL!) I made sure that I made her as comfortable as I could. I even called her every night to say goodnight and that I loved her and mailed her cards so she would still get mail...I hope I have helped you a little and I wish you a wonderful 4th of July...Hugs, Jennifer
Your post brought tears to my eyes because even tho I know my parents are getting older...We realized it this past weekend when my dad who is a diabetic didn't remember if he had taken his shot or who two of his great grandchildren were. One I could see because they live 400 miles away but the other one he sees once a week.
My dad is only 74 years old and his memory is really going and I know the time is fast approaching that one day we'll have to make that hard decision that you and your siblings had to make.
I pray all goes well for you mom. I'd also like to say that your mom is beautiful.
First of all, I love Sam too! Hug her for me! There can never be enough Sams in the world!! Second of all, I love Andy's quote! May I use it? If I blog it, I will link to you and use him as the source. 3rd...."miracles" - I believe they're everywhere. Whenever you see God's touch? That's them. Small like a single tiny purple flower in a pure green meadow; Intangible, like an unexpected compliment from a previously sullen teenager; Mega - like the power of prayer, rising up from a group of people acting as one.... Miracles are there for those who would have them, those who would see them...like the rosy water colors of sunset streaked across the evening sky, the fingers of evening shade stretched across the ground, morning dew's glimmer on an intricately spun web....Don't be hesitant to use the word; in fact, be the first to point them out to others. God says he'll smile. :)
I am so glad that the move went well and your mom will be able to get a little extra help. Sending lots of hugs.
I will keep you in my prayers I hope everything goes well with your mom.
I am so, so glad! What a blessing! Thanks for letting me know in your comment. Kelly
I know in my heart that you and your family have done the right thing. Your mother now has even more loving hands and hearts around her.
xxoo, Susan
I'm so glad your mom took things as well as she did. That is something very important. Praise God for his mercies.
Mary Lou
I imagine it was hard to make such a big decision but hopefully she will safer in this new home. Also, it sounds like she may make some new friends with other ladies there as well. Praying for your sweet mom!
Your post was so touching, i almost cried. I love that quote. In the end, everything will be fine. If it's not, it's not the end. Amen! I believe faith can move mountains. And if there's a will, there's a way.
Oh Mary Lou....having been through some pretty tough times recently, my heart is heavy for you and your siblings. I read back a bit into your blog....What a lovely Mom you have! What a relief to find a special place for her where you'll still be only minutes away and she will be well taken care of....and you'll still have your Wednesdays with Mom... That is SOOO sweet....time spent you'll never regret. I'm praying right now for you and your mom....
Thank you so much for coming.....and your dear comments. They were so comforting to me. I miss my Mum so much....I think over-all things aren't quite as bad, but I'm so lonely for her. You, Mary Lou, are a sweetheart...
Oh Honey! Your mom's new home looks so inviting and wonderful. I loved her little bed area. It is so hard to have to make decisions for our elderly parents, and now we know what they meant when they would spank us, as children, and tell us that it hurts them more than it did us. That's how I feel watching my parents get older with each passing day. It hurts me more than it hurts them, as I know our live span will only get so old, and when they pass on, I don't know how long it will be before I get to see them again. I loved your story about your Moma. It really touched my heart. Thank you so much for sharing with us. God Bless you Darlin. I will continue to pray for your family. Country Hugs, Sherry
Having just recently found your blog, I am just becoming familiar with your situation with your Mother. I read this thru tears since I went thru this with my mom in recent years. I remember all the emotions and tough decisions and I definitely will keep you and your Mom and your entire family in my prayers.
What a touching story...
I purchased the napkins at Tuesday Mornings!
Your post brought back all the memories of the last year or so of my mom's life. Soooo hard for them and soooo hard for us. But sometimes we have to do things that are hard. I love that quote and think of it many times when my family struggles with the hard things. I know you've learned about faith the hard way. I'm just grateful we know that this life is just temporary and better things are on the way. You know our prayers are with you and your family. Mimi
The quote that your brother Andy called to tell you brought tears to my eyes, and goosebumps to my arms. I hope that your mother is doing well, please keep us updated. xxoo Valarie
You made me cry!! I am really happy for you that everything worked out for the best.
Bless you and your family and your sweet precious MOM! And believe me sweetheart..she is blessed to have you guys....some of this generation is soooo glib about their elders...and where they came from..it astonishes me! I am glad she is settled in her new "pad"...and has all the love of you children (she certainly raised you right)thanks for sharing your miracles....hugs, cherry
OHHH i keep forgetting to add that I was born in Eugene & raised right outside of the Eugene/Springfield area in a small town Marcola....small world you lived in Eugene for awhile!
I am so glad that you all have got you mother settled in and that it went so well, I know it was a very difficult decision for everyone. You all are so blessed that you as siblings can work so well together, to me that says a lot for the teaching in your home . I will continue to pray.
Thank you for sharing, and for coming by and for leaving such a sweet comment.
Good quote and one that I must remember to pass along. Thanks for sharing and your Mom's new place looks very nice and safe for her.
I am always moved reading about your Wednesdays and your precious relationship with your Mother. I can only imagine your heartbreak over the Alzheimers diagnosis. You will be in my prayers.
By the way, in case Meg or Christina didn't tell you, Meg is married to our little brother so she is a "sister" by marriage. :)
MaryLou, I'm so glad it worked out se well getting your Mom into her new home. HOw great that you have such a supportive family. I wish the very best for everyone.
Glad your Mom is all settled and that you got to spend the night--how wonderful!
I like the end of the post. I heard once, "God never promised it would be easy. He just promised that it would be worth it."
Beautiful thoughts of hope.
I have been reading your posts backwards this morning as I was doing some catch up. I am so glad for your being able to move your mom. I wish I could say the same about my in-laws. We must tend to them long distance as they refuse to move. She is now experiencing dementia and my FIL is semi-invalid. We were at least able to talk them into having a care giver come 3 days a week. My husband and I are their only family care givers. Your mom will be in my prayers for her to feel at home in her new place. You are in my prayers too. It really helped me to be reminded that God does allow things for reasons we may not be able to see at the time.
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