I didn't make it a long visit last Wednesday because I knew my mom would be spending the day with us on Christmas and I still had LOTS of things on my "to do" list
before Christmas.

The little green tag says, "From:Diana" on the back. I should have taken a pic of that too!

Mom had just woken up from a nap when I got there, but she was so pleased with the little Christmas doll. : ) I had gotten her out of Storage, but I don't think she remembered her.

Then there was mail to open...
joy to be felt...

and some Bonanza to be watched. : )
This next photo, below, has a sweet story behind it. My sister, June, has been going over to our mom's place during the month of December to play the piano while Mom and the other two ladies sing Christmas songs and old church songs they remember from their past. All three women cherish these times my sister goes over to do this. Then my sis found these darling snow globes that just happened to have "singing" snowmen inside. She gave one to each, on Christmas Eve. So sweet!! Thanks for all you do, June!!
Christmas Day...
My mom in her new red Christmas sweater.

Below...the beautiful and delicious Cornish Game Hens my Son-in-law made for the meal. I did the ham and he did the hens. Thanks so much, James!!! They were amazing! : )

The little munchkins enjoying the meal. Hi cuties!!!!!

We also fit in a "Skype" visit from London, which was a bit tricky as they are seven hours ahead of us right now. Merry Christmas, little guy! We love and miss all of you very much!

Lots of excitement that day!

Merry Christmas, sweet Mom!!!
And last, but not least... a BIG thank you to Marie of
'Spun by Me' for the beautiful Giveaway I won this month. There is a wonderful story behind this gorgeous stitchery. You can click right
here to read about the women who stitch these and the wonderful cause it goes towards.
Below, is a photo of the BACK of their work. I've never seen such meticulous work. I am honored to own this beautiful work of art. Thank you so much, Marie.
And last (for real)... I hope I'm not the only one that lets their house "go to pot" in order for Christmas to happen. Every year I think I will stay one step ahead, and every year I don't! In fact I get many, many steps behind. So, if 2010 is going to run smoothly, I better "get real" and take back my house and garage (don't even get me started talking about our garage)!!!

Lovely sweet memories. Happy New Year... Joy
That's a beautiful photo of you and your Mom. Looks like you all had a great Christmas. That's a great idea for your sister to play piano for your mom and her friends to sing. When I was in college, I did the same for my grandma - there was one elderly man who would always run and get his guitar to play along with me!!! That is an exquisite piece of needlework - what a gracious giveaway! May God richly bless you and your entire family in the new year.
What a wonderful Christmas you had...surrounded by the people you love the most..either in the room or via Skype Iwe have it too, to be able to visit with Charlie)
I wish for Happiness and Health for you in the New Year Mary Lou. It has been a gift to get to know you this past year through blogging. Take a rest and give your Mom lots of hugs...I always keep you both in my prayers.
What a nice Christmas it looks like you had and your Mom is a sweetie. I love that your sister plays the piano for your Mom and her friends. I am sure it does bring them great joy and the singing snowmen globes is so cute. Your post cheered me this morning. I am glad you had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family as well!!
What a great post ~ thanks for sharing highlights of your Christmas. I know what you mean about getting your house back in order ~ I couldn't wait to do mine but now I have regular cleaning to do...bla!
So sweet that your sister shares the gift of her time and music with your mom and her friends! Something like that is a priceless treasure.
Happy New Year!
Looks like you had a nice Christmas. Those cornish hens looked really good. Aren't computers wonderful. I too love video chats with my children and grandchildren. I wish you a happy new year as I'm here in cold Colorado with my daughter. My grandson hasn't made his arrival yet.
I really enjoy your pics. and posts with your sweet mother. Its nice to see those strong relationships. Love the dolly, the snowglobes, and the hens.. yum! Have blessed day! ;)
Your Christmas looks wonderful...love all the photos of Mom!!!
I am on the same quest...gettting my house back!!!
Happy 2010!
This is such a lovely post! Your Mom is darling!! And, those hens....YUM!
Have a wonderful New Year's.
Smiles ~ Ramona
Looks like you had a great Christmas! Have a Happy New Year!
i love how you care for and love your mother. She is very blessed and she is beautiful. Happy New year.. and good luck getting things back in order!
What a wonderful post. Your Mother looks so pretty and happy.
I hope you and yours have a Happy and Safe New Years.
Such a lovely post today. The first photo of your parents on their honeymoon has such a "Raiders of the Lost Ark" feel to it :) Where was that taken, if you don't mind my asking? The photo of yourself and your Grandmother is precious. You can see the "sweetness" in her face. What a lovely Christmas Doll present, dressed in such a lovely outfit. How very thoughtful of your sister to dedicate time to playing the piano, and choosing those appropriate gifts. It is the little thoughtful things in life that count the most.
Hope you and your family have a wonderful and healthy New Year, and I do hope you get done with your household organizing soon, so we can visit with you again sooner, than later.
Happy New Year to you as well! I love your Wed posts!!!
Enjoy your time off putting your house back in order....no, really. Have a relaxing time, and as you pack away your treasures, you can recall all of the sweet Holiday memories that you have just collected!
Enjoy your day.
He he. Our house goes to pot every year and its not even that big at all. So we did a massive cleaning the other day, which means it looks pretty decent. Good luck with the Christmas cleaning!
My grandma used to use the phrase "go to pot", I haven't heard/seen it used in a long time :o) She has Alzheimer's also.
I always enjoy reading your posts. Happy New Year!
You send out so much love with your posts - it's like the sun shining. What a happy family Christmas. Thank you for sharing and bless you.
so much love in that lil' house!
hope your new year is just wonderful!
rachelle hawker
What a wonderful Christmas you must have had! I so enjoyed seeing all those pictures....and that handwork piece you won is beautiful. I have to laugh......I bought my mom a red Alfred Dunner top for Christmas this year!
I wish you luck with the cleaning and ordering of things. I'm making that one of my 2010 Goals.
Mary Lou
Mary Lou, Thank you for all that you have given of your self this past year. Truly it has been such a joy to visit your blog and wonder in your creative energies. I have come to treasure "Wednesdays with Mom" so very much and look forward to posts this coming year! Happy New Year! Elizabeth
You and your family are making so many wonderful memories! Your Mother looks so happy!
Happy New Year to you and your family.
What wonderful and special memories!
sandy toe
My heart was just beating as I read your blog. You know my mom store and her name was June. She was a piano teacher besides being Mother Goose in the Fairyland. When she needed to live in the Alzheimer nursing home she would play the piano..especially Christmas carols and all the other residents would sing along...some even in harmony. They couldn't always talk and say a paragraph but some could sing that's for sure! Mom played silent night and the beer barrel polka, over and over..makes me smile...big!
I love reading about your Wednesdays with you mom. It is so touching. I nominated you for an award on my blog tonight because of it.
Love the picture of your mom with the doll and the one of you two together. :)
Hi ML, This was my favorite Wednesday with Mom so far and I know it's because it had Christmas in with it. I love your sister, June, already. Music will be one thing Wilma will be able to hold onto for a long time to come.
James' cornish hens looked like a cookbook photo! Very, very impressive! I could smell them!
Take all the time you need to get your life in order. You may want to email me when you come back, so I don't miss anything!
Happy, healthy, warm and wonderful 2010, ML! You've got one coming your way!!!! xo
I love that photo of you and your mom! What sweet memories :) Happy New Year!
Looks like your Christmas turned out merry. Don't you love skype? We did a skype thing too with the sweetpeas. Very fun. Love the joy on your mom's face. She's a beauty. Mimi
Looks like you and your family had a wonderful Christmas!!
Happy New Year.
Hope you have a very Happy New Year!
Those Cornish game hens look amazing and delicious.
Looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas full of family and memories.
Looking forward to 2010 in blogland.
What wonderful memories you have made with your Mom and family. May you all have a very Blessed New Year!!
Hugs~ T
What a nice post. I love all the old photographs you share. Sounds like you and your family had a very nice holiday.
Happy New Year!
Oh, and what beautiful prize you won from Marie. The workmanship on that piece is amazing.
How sweet....Looks like you all had a really wonderful Christmas.
You and your mom both look like sweeties. Happy holidays!
Lovely, lovely. Looks like you had a wonderful time.
I really like the idea of all those game hens for Christmas dinner! They looks fantastic!
Oh and I posted a blog answer to the camera question you asked me. :)
Happy New Year,
I have been catching up with you today and have enjoyed my visit.
I would like to wish you and your dear family a very Happy New Year and may all your dreams come true this year.
I don't know if you're checking your comments..just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you and hope you are well and getting done the things you wanted to do. I miss your posts and look forward to your return. Take good care ML.
time to get back to blogging!
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