Happy, Happy Mom because last week she was finally released from the mortal body that acted as her prison over the last part of her life. She has now been joyously reunited with our father, her parents, her brother and all the other loved ones who were anxiously awaiting her arrival on the other side. I can only imagine her joy as she arrived.

Our mom passed away late last Monday night. From Tuesday on, everyone spent every waking moment getting things set in motion to transport our mom to where our dad is buried, making all the other arrangements and traveling up North.

My brother, Steve, and I arrived one day earlier than the rest, so we took the opportunity (along with his son, Rob) to clean the headstones.

Someone took this photo of me and my girls, I can't remember who, but I'm grateful. : )
All five siblings together (below). I love you guys!!! We were so touched by how many showed up for the viewing since my parents have been gone from the area for many years now. Everything was lovely and I wouldn't have changed a thing. So many grand children and great grand children were in attendance, too. I know they
ALL wished they could have been there, but it was simply impossible for some. We know your hearts were there that day.
As promised, I intended to do a 'Wednesdays With My Mom' Wrap-Up this week. How interesting that it truly IS the real wrap-up since my mom went "Home" last week.

These first two collages are of activities I went to with my mom, at her Assisted Living Community. I'll never forget this sweet Cowboy who paid a little extra attention to my mom because he knew I was taking pictures for the Family.

Below: Activities and projects at the apartment.

Below: Great times enjoying the front and back porches. That's my sister, June, with my mom in the lower right corner.

Just a few of the many Dr.s appointments.
My mom was always such a good sport!!! : )
All the fun times getting Mom's hair colored and cut. June and I started doing it together at her home toward the end.

Projects...goodies...eating at Costco! Who could forget eating pizza at Costco??? Mom loved it!!! : )

Below: Lots and lots of shopping trips!!!

Just a few pics, below, of my local brother and sister with Mom.

Below, is one of the numerous times my sister, June, went over to the the 'Home Care' to play the piano and sing with the women who live there. You can also see her beautiful DIL, Kristie, playing the viola next to her that day. I know it brought unmeasured joy to my mother and the others. I wish my siblings "blogged" so that you could see the hours and hours of sweet service they each gave in one way or another to my mom. We worked as a team these last several years and I don't think any of us could have done it alone.

And let's not forget all the great hours spent watching old movies and television shows. I hope my dad has forgiven her for having a little crush on Lorne Greene these past few years. : )

Above and below: some sweet memories of G.G. spending time with my children and my grand babies. I will treasure these photos forever.

Below: All the dear little projects Mom helped me with during her visits to my house.

And last... a few more adorable pics of my mom, just because!!!

During one of the times (these past few days) that we were all sitting around reminiscing about our mom, my oldest brother, Andrew, told us a poignant story. Mom was staying at his home the night our dad passed away and said to him the next morning, "I never wanted to wake up in a world that didn't have your father in it."
Mom, you finally got your wish. : )

Photo above, taken from a beautiful Golden Anniversary book made by my SIL and my niece. Thank you Kathleen and Becky. It was so nice to be able to display this at the viewing. We've all arrived back to our homes as of late this afternoon. I'm very grateful that everything went so well and I know our mother is pleased. : )

Till we meet again, sweet Mom.
Mary Lou
What a lovely tribute to your Mom. My deepest sympathy in your loss but there is peace in knowing she is no longer sick and is reunited with loved ones. You have a terrific family and all of you helped to make her last days as good as they could possibly be. All of you are a testament to the love and respect that your parents instilled in you at an early age. All the photos in the collages are great and the last photo of your parents is stunning. My all time favorite pic of your Mom was when she borrowed your sunglasses on the way to the dr. and said she looked cool! I thought that was precious. Thank you for sharing your Mom with us ~ we loved her sweetness just as we love you. You are in my prayers. Mildred
Mary Lou,
I have goosebumps...what an incredible loving tribute to your Mom! And how happy you all must be that she is finally back with your Dad....I guess normally you say you are sorry, but I'm not...you know where she is, and that you will see her again. As well as the rest of your family that has passed on to the other side....so I am happy for her that she has finally gotten there, and happy for you that you have all of these wonderful memories to hold you until the day you see each other again.....Love, Sandy
This was such a beautiful post.Thank you for sharing your mother with us through all of this. Know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!
My heart goes out to you and your family at the passing of your Mom. What a wonderful tribute and I had tears looking at her photos. It may seem strange to you but your weekly post made me remember the similar journey I took with my Mom. May loving and happy memories fill your heart at this time and in the years to come. I am glad to know that your Dad was waiting for her with welcome arms and she is not alone in her journey.
Mary Lou,
My condolences & love to you and your family. Your mother would have been so pleased with your tribute to her. You have truly been blessed to have such a positive attitude, soaking up these last days with your mom. I know it hasn't been easy. Because of you & your blog, I look at the time with my mother as being very special. I am soaking up all each visit with her, too.
Tears are rolling down my face after seeing the pictures of your mom's happy face. I know those will be wonderful memories for you & your siblings.
Hugs from Beckie
I enjoyed so much reading your "wednesday's with mom". Thank you for all the laughter and tears your posts have brought. She is looking down obviously so proud. My father in law is suffering from alzheimers so i was touched by so many of your stories. Peace and blessings to you and your family, sounds like she was shown how much you all loved her.
Oh I am so sorry, sorry that I haven't been reading your blog to know what you have been going through. I am sitting here sobbing because I know how painful this is for you and I have loved reading about you and your mother's relationship. Maybe I am just emotional but I will send a prayer up to my mom in Heaven because I would so love for them to meet.
Your mother would be so proud of the tribute you have done for her. She was a lucky lady to be so loved. God bless her and your family during this time!
She has touched so many of us in blogland, she will be greatly missed!
~ Hugs to you
I have enjoyed getting to know your mom a little through your photos and stories about her, your dad and family. No matter what the circumstances are it is still hard to have a parent pass but how happy she is with her eternal partner and other loved ones with her. What a comfort that is to all of us left in this mortal world and to know we will all be together again. Sending hugs and prayers to you and your family at this time. Sandra
I'm crying as I type this. I feel as if a part of my own family has passed. Isn't it amazing how close we can become in this crazy world of blogging? Such a special tribute to your precious Mom. I'm so glad she's now with your Dad...and with Jesus!!!
Mary Lou, I am sorry to hear your mom has passed. I truly believe in the grace of our Lord and that she IS with your dad and other loved ones in Heaven. You are a good daughter, and each time I have read one of your Wednesdays With My Mom posts, it has given me a little more strength to keep going over here with my mom.
What a beautiful tribute! I am so sorry for your loss. :-( Thank you for sharing your life and memories with you Mother. ((((hugs))))
Mary Lou,
I am sobbing reading this post...I am sure I am not alone of those who fell in love with your Dear Mom.
I love all these photos today as well. Your Mom just oozed 'personality'
It does warm my heart knowing that a joyous family reunion is in full swing up in Heaven.
I hope you and your siblings are doing well...considering.
Rest my friend, you need it.
Please accept my condolences on the loss of your mom.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
**Perhaps they are not stars in the sky but rather openings in Heaven where our loved ones shine down to let us know they are happy.**
Very beautiful and touching post. I have read your blog and your Wednesdays with my mom posts for over a year now and I have to say I am so grateful to you for sharing like you did. I hope that God blesses your family with the knowledge that one day you will all be together again. Julie
Thank you for sharing those precious memories of your mom with us all these months -- they were such a joy to read! What a blessing it must be to know your mother is finally at home! You are in my prayers. Karen
How wonderful. I love your perspective on the whole thing. I read your blog all the time, and I'm so sorry for your loss and will be thinking of you.
What a lovely post about your sweet mom. It's obvious by all your collages that she loved and was loved in return.
I'll miss your Wednesdays with Mom ~ because I so enjoyed spending time with her ~ but I sure am rejoicing with you because she's with the Lord and those she loves who've gone before her.
You and all your family are in my prayers ~ I'm praying that God would comfort and fill you with peace.
That was wonderful to go thru time with you and your Mom!! Such great memories and photos.
What a blessing you were to your Mom.
With sympathy and yet Happiness that your Mom and Dad are together.
Thank you for sharing her with us. I will miss Wednesday with Mom :)
What beautiful words..a touching tribute to your Mom that had tears running down my cheeks. I've always enjoyed reading your Wednesdays With My Mom posts. I've been very sentimental for my Mom lately. We live 1.5 hours apart and don't get to do all the fun little things together that I would love to do. It was so sweet seeing how much you both enjoyed your days together. My favorite picture you posted was the one of your Mom and Dad that said "together forever". God Bless!
God bless you as you take this time to heal from the loss of your mother. I remember losing my precious mother back in January 2001. Even though I knew she went to be with the Lord, it took a long time for me to come to terms with my profound personal loss. Just like you, I know she was reunited with her mother, sister, brother, and her son--my oldest brother. The moments you've shared with the Wednesdays you spent with your mom really touched my heart. It's so heart warming to know you valued your mom so much. God bless you and your whole family. May you feel the strong arm of God supporting you during this time.
OH Marylou,
I sit her typing with tears running down my face, I have grown to LOVE your Mom like she is my own.
I so loved every single pic and story about her, she was indeed an inspiration to me as you are, I get so frustrated with my Mom at times, and then I read your blog and makes me feel so guilty, I just wish she would move back to AZ and be closer to us where I know she would really be happier, but then am I just being selfish??? I just hate that she is virtually alone, except her pets and her church friends, freezing all winter in St. Louis. I just wish she lived close to us so she could spend her days active with all of us, I will hate it if she waits to long and she is to old to enjoy her years left, she is only 74 but in my eyes older then 74, in good health but does not get out and live life to it fullest and for that I am sad.
I am happy your Mom is indeed in Heaven rejoicing with our heavenly Father and enjoying the company of loved ones, but it is always sad to say goodbye for the last time.
Your MOM was loved so much by you and your family and I know she felt that love everyday!!!
Cherish your days and time together forever.
what a great legacy your children have,
God Bless you sweetie,
Mary Lou, I just want to reach out and hug all of you. It's been so clear how loved your Mom was (and is) and she and your Dad clearly raised an amazing group of kids. You made her time here without your Dad the best it could be and now have the comfort of knowing that. I will truly miss your Wednesday posts and your parents and family will be in my prayers. I'm sure your Mom and Dad are so very proud
xoxo Pattie
Oh. Mary Lou, I read, and am typing this, with tears in my eyes. I'm so, so sorry about the loss of your beloved mother. Although it sounds as if you all are dealing wonderfully with her gracious passing, it still has to be a sorrowful time.
What a beautiful tribute post. I'm sure I can speak for all your readers when I say we'll really miss "Wednesday's With Mom". Maybe you could treat us with some posts revisits sometime.
Your Mother was a very lucky lady to have such a loving family as yours. I can imagine you're all helping one another get through this emotional time in the most loving ways.
With heartfelt condolences,
Dear Friend,
What a loving tribute to your Mom, a woman that all of your readers have come to know fairly well and care about deeply. She brought much joy into the lives of your family and you to her life. I am glad that she has been reunited with your Father (I know he has overlooked the Lorne Greene thing) and they are both in the arms of our heavenly Father. I am sorry for your profound loss and I pray that you'll feel the love and caring from all of your friends...out here in blogland. How lucky we are to have the faith that allows us to know that we will all be reunited one day with our loved ones.
Thank you for sharing your sweet Mother with us for these many Wednesdays. We all rejoice in her life.
Peace and love,
It doesn't matter how old you are or how prepared you think you are, it's never easy losing your mom. I am honored to have found your website and love the memories you have shared about your family. Wishing you the peace that your mother no doubt has found.
awww... Mary lou, I'm so sorry youve lost your mom, but the way youre remembering and celebrating her life is so wonderful. YOu have a great outlook on your moms passing and it will make it so much easier for you when youre missing her. I sort of feel like those of us that have been following your wednesdays with mom have all lost a friend.
big hugs to you. Youre an inspiration to many I'm sure. And I think your mom was blessed with great caring and giving kids. I know shes happy with your dad now and very proud of you!
Mary Lou,
Thank you for sharing your mom with all of us. My mom passed away 4 years ago with Alzheimers and it is so hard to explain to those that have not experienced the very helpless and frustrating events that your loved one goes through. There is a joy that comes with the sorrow as your mom is no longer a prisoner to a horrible disease. I know that your mom and your dad are so happy to be reunited. The love, respect and honor that you have shown for all your family is a great tribute to your parents.
My prayers and hugs to you,
I have loved reading Wednesdays with your Mom. I have often thought how sweet your Mom looked, and how much you all loved each other.
What a comfort it must be to you and your siblings to look back through your posts and photos and know that you were really there for your Mommy.
Your Dad would have been proud of you for that!
May you be blessed by the Peace that passes understanding and may your beautiful Mom be having the time of her life up there in heaven!
Mary Lou ~ I am sitting at my computer with tears in my eyes. I am so touched by this post for your Mom, so sorry to hear of your loss, and so happy for the friends and family you are surrounded with. I'm also very glad to hear that you are in the mind frame of rejoicing that she is no longer suffering, and you are celebrating her life.
The first picture in your post is fantastic. Your mom looks SO happy in it, just as I imagine that she is as I type this.
I have enjoyed reading your Wednesday choronicles about your mom and feel like I knew her just by following your blog and becoming your blog friend. I'm wishing you and your family all the best as you continue to honor your mom and take care of the matters at hand.
Thank you for allowing us to take part in your mom's life and her history. I hope you will continue blogging other things now that you are in a new phase of life.
All the best to you, Mary Lou. I'll be thinking of you this week!
A lovely tribute to your mother. My heart is with your family at this time. I know that your mother is so happy to be with your father again. I am so glad that you were all able to be together for the services.
Dear Mary Lou,
Please accept my condolences in the loss of your mother. It looks like she had a wonderful life, and equally wonderful children. God Bless and take care of yourself. I look forward to seeing you again some day soon.
Love ya'
Mary Lou, I am so happy for your Mom What a sweet post and tribute. Aren't we blessed to have the knowledge that she is with her loved ones and your Dad. You are in my prayers because I know how much you will miss her.
Mary Lou,
I am so sorry for the loss of your dear mom. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed reading your blog every Wednesday. Your mom reminded me so much of my grandmother in both looks and personality! You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
What a beautiful tribute to your Mom. I think we all felt like we knew your Mom from all of your Wednesdays with Mom postings. You and your family are in my prayers during this time of loss.
What a wonderful post. Thank you for sharing so much with us.
Tears are rolling down my cheeks. My heart goes out to you all. God's blessings to you and your dear family.
I feel like I have gotten to know your mother so well through all of your posting. My condolences to your family- I can see that you are all at peace with this turn in life.
What a beautiful final tribute to your Mom. I'm so glad that she can be with your Dad and other family members now. It is hard watching those we love go downhill, but I know it helps relieve the loss we feel knowing that they are at a better place and have their health and faculties back. I know that you have the peace that the gospel brings to you. Thank you for sharing your special relationship with your Mom and family with us.
Love you lots. Beverly
Mary Lou,
I first want to say that I am so sorry for your loss. I am glad to read that you are doing okay. Your tribute to your mother was beautiful written. I'm so happy that she gets to go home and be with your dad. From what you wrote, they truly were soulmates. Thank you for sharing your mom with us. Your memories are wonderful and sweet.
I am so happy that you and your family got to spend quality time with your mom. I'm sure many days it was not easy but together you all were a great support for each other. That is what family is all about. Your parents I'm sure are looking down and are proud of you all.
Many Blessings to you and your family.
She is indeed in a better place. So glad she can now be free of her earthly trials. We will all miss her and your Wednesday posts. She is an elect lady for sure and your family took such good care of her. Now that she's home, maybe Lorne will look her up, I'm sure your dad won't mind... Mimi
oh sweetie, I am so sorry for your loss! your tribute to Mom was so sweet and heartfelt, it made me cry. While we rest assured that God has called her home to be with her husband and family we also know she will be greatly missed here on earth. I know I for one will miss my weekly visits with her through your beautiful blog posts. I am holding you in my prayers dear one.
What a beautiful way to wrap up your Posts of the life and times of your Mommy, really makes me cherish my mom. Love and kisses and good thoughts to help you through your loss. Diane
What a beautiful post! It's fantastic to know that she is reunited in paradise with her loving husband. You and your siblings did a wonderful job of caring for her and I enjoyed all your Wed. with Mom posts. Take care of yourself as you grieve her loss here on Earth.
Oh, Mary Lou...what a sweet post in honor of your Mom & family. Whenever I read a "Wednesdays With My Mom" I felt like I was back with my MIL who also had Alzheimers. Thank you for taking the time to share everything. God bless you & your family.
I feel like I have known your mum so well through this blog,and I have tears rolling down my face, she will be sadly missed.
You and your family have given your mum the best,your love, your time, and support.
I always enjoyed reading about your mum and her next project.
She is at peace now, and with your dad.
Such a lovely post, you truly are special!
OK Sweet, Wonderful Sister:
You got me all choked up again, not only because of your eloquence and the tasteful assembly of these wonderful tributes (family treasures), but also because of the profound love and devoted care you provided to our dear mother.
Love you forever,
I so enjoyed reading the stories about your mother because I'm taking care of my mother. I loved how you visited her and made her comfortable and loved. And I could tell she was a special person and you never lost sight of that. I'm hoping she's having a wonderful reunion with your dad. I will miss her and I never knew her.
i started following your blog when you posted the info on how to make the snowmen and santa's out of paper clay. i continued to follow it and always loved the updates about your mom. You could tell she was a lovely person and that she loved you all so much. Your family just has such a connection to each other and you don't see that much anymore. I am very sorry for your loss.
ML, I was stunned when I first began reading your post; but I was uplifted as I read further.
What a wonderfully heartfelt tribute to your mom!
I'm so happy that your parents have been reunited!
May God bless your entire family!
I found your blog and loved your Wednesdays with mom posts. I'm so sorry for your loss, but know how you feel. It's exactly how I felt when my grandmother and grandfather (separate sides of the family) died. They were both much better off on the other side. Still, there are some days I still miss them greatly.
Oh...I have so enjoyed "visiting" your mother....over the last year...when I found your blog on Tablescape Thursday...
She was a beautiful woman! So reminded me of my grandmother, "Memmette", who I loved so much...she passed away 2 years ago. I know you will be so happy you documented her lovely life...as you did!
God Bless you and your family as they move through the time separated from your love one.
So sorry to hear of your Mom's passing. Thank you for sharing these dear posts about your Mom, they have blessed me greatly as I think of my sweet Grandma. God bless you and all of your siblings and family.
I had to cry and then come back and comment later. I feel like she was part of the family - or I was part of yours either way. It was so lovely to get to "know" your mom through your Wednesday posts.
It is wonderful that she's been released from all the troubles she'd been dealing with but it sure is hard on everyone left behind, even if you know she's in a better place. Prayers for your family Mary Lou.
Hi Mary Lou, You are an amazing daughter to your Mom and I'm sure your siblings were too. I've only enjoy Wednesday postings of your Mom and you for a short time but I could totally feel the love that your family has for your Mom. I can definitely tell this is a family of faith . . . truly believing in victory when we pass . . You are so right. God Bless You, love Sandy
Heaven opened and I'm just as happy as you are! There are no tears in heaven. I'm sitting here thinking, I wonder if my mom welcomed her...who was standing at that gate?
A local artist said these words to me when my mom left this earth...
Jacqueline, your mom has just passed through an open door and heaven welcomed her.
To you my dear heart,
may I just say you are an amazing daughter. The love, the time, the memories you have because you did this right...You invested in your mom as she invested in you.
God bless you through the process of missing her but as you know, she is with you.
Because I know your story, I know you will be okay.
May you know the peace that passes all understanding as you go through this next journey in life.
In love~Jacqueline
Mary lou, I have so much enjoyed getting to know your mom. It took some of the blahs away from my own life to hear about someone else. Although far apart, I so much appreciate your example and wish I could be just like you. keep up your blog and find something else to record and share with... you know... maybe Sarah? ;)
That is a beautiful post and a wonderful tribute to your mom and your family. You were a blessing to her. My condolances to you and your family. I always enjoyed reading your posts; thank you for sharing her with us. Thinking of you -
Dearest Mary Lou,
What a wonderful tribute to your mom... Though I'm glad she finally got to leave and go home, still she will be missed. I will miss all the pictures of her with that wonderful smile she always had.
I enjoyed your collages with tears in my eyes.
I'm so happy she is with your dad now~♥
God bless you and your family.
I cried tonight when I read your blog telling me that your mother passed. Your relationship with your mom reminded me of my relationship with my mom. Thank you for sharing your mom's final months with us. I am honored to have "known" your mom. Thank you and I am praying for you during this loss.
Im truly very sorry. I just wanted to tell you how lovely it has been to spend Wednesdays with both you and your Mum. My Grandma has the onset of alzheimers and it was nice to feel that i wasn't alone you gave me great ideas to share with my Mum and it was lovely to see the true love that your family has for one another. if only we could all be so happy!
What a wonderful tribute to your Mum she always looked so happy and i know thats because she had such a wonderful family! Celebrate her life now and find comffort in the fact that you will see her again. You and your family will be in my prayers. THANKYOU for sharing in this spectacular blog!! Gina
Mary Lou, I hope your shared journey with us has helped you prepare for the absence of your beloved mother. She is now in the hearts of so many beyond her own life and will be remembered always. You are a lovely daughter. Elizabeth
Dear Mary Lou,
Yes in deed Mom is smiling and she is happy again being reunited with your Dad. I am sure you can feel her love all around you. She was a delight and I enjoyed reading about her on Wednesdays. I will miss her too!
You have such a loving and kind family, Mom and Dad I'm sure are very proud of you all.
Big Big hugs, Elizabeth
Oh Mary Lou, Heaven has one more angel now.:) I know that your dear Mother is celebrating with her loved ones that have waited so long to see her! I wish I could give you the biggest hug, dear friend. You have been the most wonderful daughter- more than anyone could ever wish for! All the memories are yours to keep until you meet your dear Mom again in Heaven. My prayers are with you and your sweet family... Lori
You had some very lovely moments with your Mom...such special memories and times shared together. I know she will be missed by so many that have known her and loved her. My prayers for you healing hearts.
Most Fondly, Carrie
You are so great with collages! I'm glad your Mom is in a happy place. You've been in our hearts and prayers. :)
Beautiful post! I really enjoyed getting to know your mom through your blog. Now you'll be able to go back and reread all your posts...such wonderful memories you have created!
I'm so sorry to hear she has passed on but she is with your dad and family now and most importantly with our Lord.
Dear Mary Lou,
My heart and prayers go out to you and your family at the loss of your Mom.
I so enjoyed your weekly posts about the time you spent with her. How wonderful you have all those cherished moments documented in such a loving way.
Your love and tribute to her were so touching. She was truly blessed with a beautiful daughter.
You know I missed this post completely....I have tears in my eyes..what an AWE post...I'm having to stop writing because the tears are coming even more....I ADORE the last pic of your parents together...ok,,,I'm back..I had to wipe my eyes and face....
In my thoughts and prayers....Barb
oh my heart is just so full right now. it is midnight and i am catching up on blog world right now...i just read this post and i had no idea..... i am soooo very greatful that she is with her handsome husband and her loving Father in heaven. She left this state feeling very loved. I can promise you that! Comfort and Peace are in my bedtime prayers for you tonight. we Loved getting to know her and feel so blessed to have had that oppurtunity!
lots of love! shell
oh my heart is just so full right now. it is midnight and i am catching up on blog world right now...i just read this post and i had no idea..... i am soooo very greatful that she is with her handsome husband and her loving Father in heaven. She left this state feeling very loved. I can promise you that! Comfort and Peace are in my bedtime prayers for you tonight. we Loved getting to know her and feel so blessed to have had that oppurtunity!
lots of love! shell
OHHHH Mary Lou...so so sorry to hear about your Mama...but do believe as you do that she is in a much sweeter and happier place! She was so lucky to have you and your siblings....the pictures and tribute of her is beautiful! Hugs to you and your family, Cherry
I am so sorry to hear about your momma... but so happy she is with your dad. What a blessed woman your mom was...she knew just how loved she was and that is huge. Bless you and your family and thank you for sharing your mom with us.
Hi, Mary Lou! I just loved the tribute to your sweet mother. She loves it. I can't believe how much Andy looks like your father in that 50th anniversary book cover picture! Sure love you!
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