Hi All,
I wasn't quite ready (as far as spare time goes) to put my 'Wednesdays... Wrap-Up' Post together this week. And since we had a pretty good visit last Wednesday, I thought I would go ahead and post this.
Above, is an adorable photo of my parents in 1969. Below, is a pic taken several years ago on their 50th Wedding Anniversary. Still, just as cute as can be!!!

My sister, June, joined us after work last week to share in the fun of watching a DVD she recently made for Mom. She did such a fantastic job putting lots and lots of old family photos together for Mom to just sit and watch. Oh my goodness...her reactions to them were wonderful!!! Even though her Alzheimer's has progressed quite a bit, she still delights in seeing old photographs. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts, June. You're amazing!
Below, June showing Mom her new Mickey Mouse bracelet.
These next few photos were ones I snapped while enjoying the DVD together. : )

Happy Wednesday,
Mary Lou
ML, you've been in my thoughts often this week- so glad you had a good visit and June couldn't have done anything better for your Mom! I'm sure that video brought her happiness! She's in my prayers
xoxo Pattie
What a nice gift for your Mom. I've made a few of those DVD slideshows, and they are a labor of love for sure. I'm sure your Mom was thrilled!
What a lovely dvd to share with your mom and a great way for you all to be together with her. I remember you all in my prayers.
ML, glad you were able to have a little bit better visit this week. It is so hard watching people we love have their health go down hill. My sister's cancer is back - now in the liver. She sees her surgeon today and will find out what the next planof attack is. Wish the very best for your family. Bev
I think you liked the DVD just as much as your Mom:-) Happy to hear that the photos brought back fond memories for your Mom. Love the Mickey bracelet...now who does not have a soft spot in their hearts for Mickey and Minnie! Too cute.
What a lovely post. I think of you and your Mom often. Although neither of my parents had Alzheimer's it was no fun watching them in their waning years and remembering how vibrant they were in their prime. I made a book from MY Publisher for my Dad to look through and he did, every day.
Give your Mom a kiss for me. Janis
Hi Mary Lou ~ Just catching up over here and I have to say that I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new header. They are always fabulous anyway, but this one is very nice!
I'm always impressed with the activities and special surprises you girls do for your mom each week. The DVD of old family pictures is such a great idea! And something she can watch over and over as well. I liked seeing the photo of your parents on their 50th wedding anniversary - looks more like your mom to me than the earlier ones.
Keeping you and your mom in my thoughts and prayers.
Peace and love,
~ Deb
This video is so sweet. I am sure your Mom loved seeing all the old photos.
The mickey bracelet is so cute.
Take care, Suz
What a nice gift for your Mother.
Those pictures are truly beautiful and I know that they made your Mom feel so good! How wonderful that you could tell that they touched her, dear friend!:) Your whole family is in my prayers. I feel almost like you are part of my family.:) Lori
I am so happy that I got to see another 'Wednesdays With Mom' post. What a wonderful gift June came up with, I can just imagine the joy that brought to Mom and all of you. Your parents pictures are just so sweet :) thank you for sharing these moments with us, holding all of you in my prayers!
I love that June did that for your mom. what a special bonding time.
i made a dvd of my grandmother and all her years, and friends, family, vacations...etc, that i played at her funeral viewing. it was a wonderful celebration of her life. i only wish i would have thought of it while she was still here to watch it with us!
Your mom and dad were such a beautiful couple all through their lives-Like they were made for each other!
I hope you and your family are staying strong. I know how hard it is when a loved ones health starts fading. Take good care of yourselves, get lots of sleep (do I sound like a mother?) :)
Take Care,
Hi Mary Lou, What a nice treat for your Mom, how kind of your sister to make the DVD. I like the Mickey bracelet, anything Disney is always sweet. Alzheimer's is a tough disease
to deal with, it's robs us of our love ones, will keep you guys in prayer. Sandy
Yes, that was the same Grandma as in the 5 generation photo. My brother also got a video of her playing "this little piggy" on Noelles toes. We really were blessed big time. She died in her sleep around 5 pm very quietly♥
Thanks for the wonderful sweet comment Mary Lou~
Beautiful pictures. I KNOW your Mom loved that video. With the Alzheimers your Mom will end up remembering those "people" even when she is slipping with her loved ones now. I remember when my Great Grandmother had Alzheimers and she couldn't remember me (in the present) but if you showed her a picture of me as a baby/toddler, she knew exactly who I was. I'm glad y'all had a good week. Any good week is wonderful when your parents are declining. You and your Mom are in my continued prayers.♥
Hugs! Elizabeth
Hi Mary Lou,
SO glad it was a good day with your Mom and that you did WWM!!
Take care.
Deb :)
How lovely to have had a great visit with June along too! I'm glad there were some high points, ML. I understand how precious those high points become.
You and your mom are in my prayers.
The photo of your parents on their 50th anniversary is so sweet ~ what a wonderful treasure. 50 years together!!! Wow!
The DVD for your Mom was such a great idea (yea June!). I'm so glad that she's enjoying it. I hope she's enjoying it as much as I'm enjoying your new header!! I'm very partial to RW&B....it's just amazing!! Thanks for making your blog such a fun place to visit!
What an awesome idea for your mom! I'm so glad she enjoyed it. June is amazing!
What a great gift for your Mom and the rest of y'all. I'm so glad that last Wednesday was a good day for everyone. God bless y'all.
What a nice gift. My grandpa is a photagrapher, and is doing this with all his photography throughout the years. I can't wait to watch it. It is a great way to journal and do geneology.
Wonderful post today. Glad your mom is doing well.
Glad you had a good visit last week. Love the pictures of your parents both then and again a few years ago.
I love the DVD idea. I'm sure she loved it.
A truly heartwarming post...how wonderful to hear how much your Mum enjoyed the DVD of old photographs...& how lovely to be surrounded by such caring family. I know how much I enjoy seeing all the B&W photo's you share with us here, so what a pleasure it must be to sit together as a family & enjoy seeing the generations....My husbands Nanna used to tell the most wonderful family tales when we looked at old photo's with her, but couldn't remember what she'd had for lunch the same day...which seemes quite sad to us, but she was happy in her own world!
Thanks again for sharing..have a great weekend!
I think you are the best family in the whole wide world, loving your mom in such a beautiful way. I can so relate to you and this journey you are on.
Night night and may you sleep peaceful.
Thank you for sharing these photos, Mom. You and she are in my prayers!
Thank you for sharing these photos, Mom. You and she are in my prayers!
What a lovely dvd to share with your mom and a great way for you all to be together with her
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