Friday, January 23, 2009

Wednesdays With My Mom

I asked my mom to tell me about this photo. She said that the two women were the Olsen sisters, who were her Landladies before she met my dad. The little girl was the daughter of some friends of my mom. Her name was Nedra and she was spending the day with my mom. How about that hat?
This Wednesday there were no Dr. Appointments (yipee). We spent the day on a hunt. We were looking for more panels to match the ones you see in the photo below. She now would like to have matching ones in her bedroom.
We ended up going to three different Walmarts, to no avail. However, when she sat down at the pattern counter to take a rest and then started looking at the pattern books, a million childhood/teenage memories came flooding back. My mom and I spent hundreds of hours poring over the Pattern Books when I was young. Oooh, the glorious memories. : )
Below, she is pointing out how perfect that sleeve is on the shorter version of the dress. Such attention to detail.
Happy, happy memories!


  1. I remember sitting at the pattern books pouring over them with my mom and grandma. Those were the days. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Actually, I've decided to share a little more, now that you have given me inspiration.

    When I was very little my mother and grandmother worked in the same Hancock fabrics store. Sometimes my mom would bring me to work with her because there was no money for daycare. I spend the entire day playing in buttons, around the racks of fabric and amongst the empty bolts. I loved it there. When I was 14 I got my first job. At the same fabric store. I worked there through college. To this day, the fabric store is one of my favorite places to be.

    There. End of story. :)

  3. I love your wednesdays with mom they are so great I remember looking at those with my mom and grandmother those are great memories.

  4. Thanks you for your sweet comments. Blogging friends are so wonderful.
    I bet it is so fun to be able to do things with your mom. I wish mine lived closer. Today she was shoveling snow to her mailbox:-) At 82 and with a worn out 'everything' she shouldn't be!!! lol
    Looking at patterns brought back sweet memories to me also. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Your post brought tears to my eyes. I remember doing the same thing with my own Mom when I was young. She sewed most all of my clothes (little girls didn't wear pants then), and I remember going to the "cloth shop", and looking at beautiful bolts of material and patterns. Thanks for bringing back such a precious memory!!!

  6. I to remeber going to the fabric store with my mom and going through the books. She made all our play clothes and I got to pick out what i wanted and the fabric too. I forgot about that. Thank you

  7. Ahhh your mom is so cute! I remember my great-grandma had drawers and drawers of patterns. She us to make my sister and I matching outfits all the time. We were not twins but that was a grandma thing she did the same thing with my mom and aunt too!

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Pattern book memories, thanks so much for them and the wonderful photo. I love that your readers leave stories, I am all about stories! You are so generous in sharing your crafting techniques. They are beyond perfect! Elizabeth

  9. Sounds like you had a wonderful day out with your mom! I used to work at JoAnns for my first job and loved (and still do) looking at pattern books!

  10. We were at the fabric store the other day, and I had a total "moment" when my daughter asked if she could sit and look at the "clothes books" while I looked through the fabrics. I can't tell you how many times I asked my mom the same thing. I love how things cycle back sometimes, how we keep and share a little bit from the ones before us...

  11. You can see how much your mom enjoys her Wednesdays with you. Just browsing through the patterns and all the memories it brought back to the both of wonderful.♥

  12. What a wonderful day you must have had.

  13. Thank you so much for your visit and sweet comment on my blog! I am enjoying my visit on yours as well.

    I enjoy going to the craft store with my mom, we meander around looking at patterns and everything else. It's great to have that time. :)
    Have a great weekend!

  14. What wonderful memories still being made!
    Just catching up- have a fabulous weekend!
    kari & kijsa

  15. My mother has tons of old patterns in boxes upstairs..She made our dresses when we were little..she made lots of other things also..I love your blog and the precious memories your creating....

  16. Your mom really has a great sense of style! And how much fun it is to do the same things with her that you spent hours doing as a little girl. I love the old photo, too. And thank you for your sweet comments over at my place! :)

  17. My mom used to make most of my school clothes. It was back in the day when girls wore dresses to school. Fun memories but it was a lot of work. On my Susan Branch calendar, Jan 22 was visit your local fabric store day. Have a great weekend. Mimi

  18. I just discovered your blog and really loved this post.
    My mom made the majority of our clothes growing up and I remember those hours spent over the pattern books. Years later, I went to work for Stretch and Sew fabrics and taught for was great to share that love of sewing with my mom and even teach her some new things....thanks so much for the reminder of sweet memoriees....

  19. I gave you an award! Please check my blog on Sunday!!

  20. Thank you so much for the note... I have finally been able to get back to your blog and found your studio... thank you so much. You are so talented woman!!
