Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sermons From the Bathroom Mirror

A most interesting thing happened last Sunday. When I posted "Hillbilly Commandments", two women said, "I should post that on my children's bathroom mirror." It reminded me of all the times I, too, posted little quotes for the kiddos to read while brushing their teeth.

Well, this is one of them that has been around for awhile. Pretty self-explanatory. I have a few more that I will post over the next few weeks.
Happy Sunday!!!


  1. I truly love these. I'm a philosophy girl, not education-wise, life-wise. Keep 'em coming!

  2. Very cute, I do this but not on the bathroom mirror (that is a great idea) I put little notes in school lunchboxes. ;)
    I just ordered the other sachet, "duh" moment, I didn't realized you had two listed. They're gorgeous, my girlies are going to love them.
    ♥ Teresa

  3. jumped over to take a break from a party hop and a giveaway craz. needed some calm. you so never let me down.your work space is so tidy and the hillbillie, well good for a giggle. Heidi

  4. That is sooooo true and the mirror is a perfect place to post something like that!!!

  5. Great quote AND a great title for your post. I love it!!

    I used to have a 8x10 magnetic frame and I'd put "messages" for my kids in it and hang it on the fridge.

  6. That's great! I need to do this now that my little guy can read, he would love it!

  7. Great thought and it's really true.
    Had the oppertunity to see your daughter at the temple yesterday. You have a wonderful family.

  8. Oh now this is to cute. I don't have any children left at home for the mirrors or lunch boxes but I am thinking about thoughts I could use it for with the holidays coming for the grandkids. Thanks so much for sharing. I love to come and visit with you. Country Hugs honey, Sherry

  9. I read your post previous to this one and omgosh, if I was half as organized as you are, I might be able to find all the things I can't find...LOL!! Love the sayings, can't wait to see the next one...I hope your mom is doing well send her my best! Hugs, Jennifer

  10. Great thought. So true; it's going up on our mirror!! Thx for sharing :) Love ya!

  11. Words to live by, for sure. Mimi

  12. Amen! Especially with teenagers. :)
