Thanks for your patience while I took a sanity break.

Once, many moons ago, my sister and I attended a lecture by the woman who wrote,
Confessions of an Organized Housewife. The main thing I remembered from that day was the following quote, "
So I really tried to use that theory while organizing and putting away all of our Christmas stuff. Hopefully, Christmas 2010 will run a bit smoother. : )

See these red boxes above? I got them free from Target about a week after Christmas. They were just sitting, empty, back in the Christmas section, so I took them to the front with me while checking out and asked if they would mind if I took them home. As you can problem. : )

These black trash bags, below, always get thrown into the attic, but I've never labeled them before. Why not?

Onto the closet under the stairs. BTW, I got this over-the-door rack at some organizational store several years ago. I love it!!!


Call me a weirdo (because I am) but I want to keep my nice bows from getting squished. No one ever sees this wall inside the little closet.

Onto the garage. These big bins went on sale at Target just after
Thanksgiving for $3.99 each!!!

Notice I was not willing to pan around and photograph the rest of the garage. But as they say, "The war was not won in a day". Maybe there's hope for me yet.

I didn't take many pics of my mom last Wednesday because I still wasn't feeling "up to par", but I thought these were darling. Here she is enjoying the photo of her latest new great grandchild.

So precious. Great photography, Joanna!!!

And last, a photo of my mom's caregiver, Sam, with her. Thanks for all you do, Sam!!!

Happy Wednesday.
Good work! I did a little bit better organizing this year!
You outdid yourself! Hugs, Diane
Wow!! Great job organizing!! It looks great!! Thanks for all your fun ideas (I wish I could be as crafty/creative as you!) and for always posting pictures of Grandmother! Brooklyn was just talking about you the other day and how much fun we had staying with you!!
Oh my! Will you come to my house....please???
I could use some of your creative organizing skills!
Love your new header and your mom looks great!
Now really ~ can I book your flight? I need your help!
Gold Star!!!!! What a super job and aren't you clever lady using the Target display boxes. Very inspirational .... I sure need some - *grin* !!! Your mum is a very gorgeous lady. Thanks for sharing - lovely to see you post again. Suzy ;)
Next year it should be a snap putting all the decorations up again since it is all so organized. I also label all my containers in my storage room and it keeps me sane and also makes it easier for other family members to find things. Your tree was beautiful. Looks like your family and your Mom had a nice holiday. Thanks for the heads up on the other movie that I plan to see next week as it looks cute.
Glad to see you back, and that you're feeling better. Did that "sanity break" work? I may have to try one myself pretty soon - ugh!
I am sooo totally jealous have organized you have all your C'mas items. And what a great score on those Target cardboard bins!
Your closet looks so nice. Makes me want to go down into the literal junk hole of my basement storage area immediately and start organizing.
I'm glad you're back, and glad you got so organized........but I am so jealous! Wow! It looks great. I think I may make a note to myself to do some post-Thanksgiving shopping this year. I really liked those tags you put on the black trash bags. I do that with some big things we have, and I never know whats what-and those tags are cute!
I love your new banner, too.
Mary Lou
I am GREEN with envy. You have done a great job and it will pay off come next Christmas season.
Your mom is so that baby photo!!!
I am impressed with all of your organization! Picture of the baby on my blog if you haven't seen it yet.
Wow, you've done a super job organizing your Christmas things. I'll have to do all that once I get home. But I do have a cute grandson now. He was born yesterday.
I never met a plastic container I didn't like! ;0)
What a heaping dose of inspiration to go and get divided and organized. You deserve a medal for all that work and I smiled at your hidden bow display! Your on your way girl, perhaps the worse is over? My "happy room" right now is frowning with overload and needs tending to...more like weeding! My son is a manager at Target, I'll have to tap into his resources! Hugs!
I sooo need to get put me to shame! Good job!
EXCELLENT! That is a thing of beauty, ML! It makes me want to get up and sort something right now!!!
Wow! I'm impressed!!!
Truly, I agree with everyone's comments! When you get done at Marie's, come to my house K? LOL
I'll just remember, "Divide and conquer".
Great Ideas. Gonna have to share with my girls.
How many ggrand's does your mom have? She always looks happy.
Thanks for the fun!
Enjoy your day.
Your Mother looks lovely as usual. I need to do some organizing myself soon. Thanks for the ideas.
Wow, looking good!!! I've been doing the same thing! My master bedroom closet looks sooo nice now. I did the Christmas things too. It sure is a lot of work but it sure makes you feel good!
Great job! I use to be very organized - not sure what happened. :)
You've got organization down to a science!!! Even your tags are so cheerful!
WOW Mary Lou you have done a FABULOUS job organizing everything!! Do you want to come and help me now????? Pretty please?????
I am slowly getting better and better at keeping myself organized and clutter at bay but I still have a LONG, LONG way to go. Maybe by the time I am 70 I'll get it under control!!!!!
Hope you are having a great day.♥
Oh I'm in awe...first of all...I would love my storage room to look have as decent as your does and second, I wish I had that much stuff to put away! I'm glad your feeling better! You've inspired me to get myself organized! Thank you!
you are my organizing IDOL! ;)
my hubby gets so frustrated with my hobbies and love of all things fun and pretty because he hates clutter and piles. but i bet if i had incredible shelving and your ingenius sorting skills (and ... a little more energy too) that he wouldnt mind at all!
your mom looks great. and pampered to the nines. you guys are always bringing her some kind of delight to behold. that shows how often you all are thinking of her. oh so precious of a family!
love shell
Only you could make black trash bags look cute!! :)
Welcome back Mary Lou - that is some amazing organization! And how clever of you to take those emtpy wrapping paper containers! I especially liked the container labeled "good stuff" haha. :)
HI Marylou!!!!
So glad you are back and feeling better, I was sick at Christmas time too!!! it takes forever to feel 100%, I feel 90%!!!!!
You are so Organized!!!!!!It looks great and so neat and tidy!!!!!
I did a better job putting away this year as well, even tossed some stuff, so I have a few empty tubs, you know to get more stuff!!!!! I bought aqua color tubs on sale at Home depot for 3.99 last fall i think!!!!!But i love the RED!!!!!
Great free boxes from target!!!!!
I got some free stuff from Michaels for my Holiday Party for 2011!!!! I have parties planned for 2010-2011 and 2012!!!!! great or Crazy!!!!!
Your storage is killin me! It's beautiful to just look at your storage.
I'm always a bit envious of people that do have storage space. I have the space under my stairs PERIOD! Other than that, I have to haul it outside to an out building.
No that is some organization, you go girl!!
What a great header. Where does it live in your house? You did a great job organizing. You Mom looks like she is having a great time.
wow i only wish i could get that organized!!:) i just found your blog through cosmogirl. love your mom stories, my father inlaw is in his third year since diagnosis of alsheimers. What a amzaing tribute you are doing that will be something for generations to come to enjoy.
WOWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is frightening how incredibly IMPRESSIVE that is!! You should hire out your services.
Arrrgggghhh.... I saw those empty red boxes at Target and didn't even think of this. Dang, dang, dang! Next year! Great organizational tips for the Christmas stuff. I like the black bag idea, too. Very clever. I came visiting from PJ's blog and I'm glad I did.
Holy plastic storage bins Batman! I am uber-impressed ML! Your break really allowed you to accomplish a lot and that's great! Don't you feel like life is more manageable when things can be snapped shut in plastic boxes? I have finally gotten all of the Christmas put away except this 3 ft. lighted tree in my diningroom. It has been ornamentless for 2 weeks. Today I pulled out some shiny red heart ornaments and some other doodads and I'm going to redecorate her for Valentine's day. Won't little Charlie be surprised when he sees his Gram's Valentine tree! I'm glad you're back and I hope you're feeling refreshed. We need your inspiration and your sense of humor in this bleak part of winter! Joyce
Wow! I'm so impressed. Everything looks beautifully organized. I love all the labels. Adds a great touch.
You have amazing organizational skills! Isn't it a good feeling to get everything in its place?
That is a great photo of your Mom with the great grandbaby pic and her caregiver looks like a real sweetheart. Thank God for the love and compassion of folks who work with the elderly.
I absolutely love your header photo. I wish you could decorate my bookshelves for me; you have such talent. Blessings to you this week.
OMG!!!!! This is unreal! I thiought I had done a good job, writing on the totes! You are an inspiration! I am going to study your photos and use the ideas for my pantry and my closet, could do this for a living! :)
Mary Lou, You know this post makes we want to reorganize my pantry don't you. I love this post! Yeah for organization. So much better than even the covers of January magazines! Weekend wishes to you! Elizabeth
Wow!! You are SO organized, I love it! Thanks for the inspiration!
~ Natalie :)
I thought I was organized, some what anyhow until I see your post. Oh my gosh i have a lot of work to do. Your mom's a doll!
You are so cute even when you're organizing! I'm ashamed to say my tags are made out of masking tape. I really NEED some of the cute ones to cute up the storage room in the basement. Love all you do. Mimi
OK Superwoman put on that cape and head on over here I got some serious dividng and conquering issue. SAVE ME! LOL! I'm a bit jealous, great job! :)
Visiting from JAG and I'm amazed. It looks better than a store! Fantastic. I'm inspired and wishing I could pay you to come do this for me!
My hat is off to you and I am bowing! You deserve a big Congratulations for getting all your organizing done. You are amazing! Have a nice weekend! Twyla
You are my HERO! I dream of being this organized with all of my decorations. Sadly every holiday I vow to sort, label, put away and each time I start and end up rushing the process and fail in the end...Thanks for the inspiration!
Best wishes,
Wow, love the organization, especially the bow wall! :) Great job, and a real motivator for the rest of us, I'm sure!
Brooklyn was just talking about you the other day and how much fun we had staying with you!!
Work from home India
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