I discovered my "full moon" was actually a...LAMP POST!!!

I'm a dork! But it was good for a laugh the next morning when I shared my "discovery" with everyone at breakfast. (Sara, thanks for helping me get even better photos the next night.)
Okay, onto the good stuff. Cute Lori brought this adorable quilt to finish for her daughter's bedroom.
Drool, right????? : )

Next, look what Stacy made this Christmas with her glorious new Viking!!!!! What a work of art.

And look who decided to come along with all the old ladies this time. YEA... SARA!!!!! You made it twice as fun, cutie! : )
And just so she didn't get kicked off the team, Sara used the sewing machine...on her card. : )
Sara was our trip-photographer, so she was clicking away during the drive, both ways.

As if the "faux moon story" weren't enough goofiness, we had to add a little more on the way home. Lori brought an old quilt to repair with her on this trip. On the way home, it blew off and we had to turn around and pick it up off the side of the freeway. Do we know how to have fun or what??? !!!

Margie, you're the Queen of Fun! Thanks for all the planning.
Thanks for a great time, girls.
What fun! All the projects look great.
Beckie in Brentwood,TN
My mouth is still hanging open in awe!!!!!!
Those quilts are amazing!!!! I love that Christmas one!!!!! OH gosh!!!!
The Moon story is so funny!!!!!
And then to make the trip Most memorable, your friend's quilt blows away, and lucky you found it!!!! How fun!!!!
I love women trips!!!How sweet, what did you make????
Something spectacular I am sure!!!!
What beautiful work and wonderful fun with a fabulous bunch of women! LOVE your full moon.
What happens at a quilt retreat stays at the quilt retreat...unless you have a blog! Gorgeous quilts...I'm jealous!
Love the moon story - hilarious! The quilt you're working on is amazing. Sounds like you all had a great time. That'll be me in a little more than a week, only it will be a girl's scrapbooking retreat weekend. Can't wait!
Thanks for sharing!
What an excellent adventure! You guys sure know how to have some fun, ML!
And what a talented group you surround your artistic self with!!! I'm envious of the skills and artistry!
Love the faux moon! Excellent!
Faux moon-you crack me up!
Your quilt is amazing and so you! Is it for a bed or to hang on the wall? Times spent with girlfriends are the best. It always amazes me how much you can laugh...at the goofiest things that wouldn't be nearly as funny if your were by yourself. Everyone's projects are great...Sara's too!
Did you make the tag hanging in your header? It's beautiful!
This looks like so much fun...and I love the faux moon story!! You are all too much fun.
Wow, what amazing quilts! I haven't made a quilt in years and have been itching to get back to it. This post inspires me even more.
Looks like you girls had a great time! :o)
I MUST learn to quilt, I MUST learn to quilt, I MUST learn to quilt! Oh how gorgeous!!!I'm shopping for a new sewing machine and it MUST be able to quilt! Thanks so much for sharing
What a bunch of beautiful quilts! The border on yours is so cute! Sara's card is sweet ~ I'm sure "you know who" will love it!
Times spent with girlfriends and daughters are so precious ~ I've got a couple of those kind of trips coming up and I can't wait!
Love the faux moon ~ I've been humming "By the Light of the Silvery Moon" since I started reading this! What a great story!
And what a happy ending to the trip...so glad the runaway quilt was found!
The quilts are all gorgeous. Looks like you girlies had lots of fun!
Sounds like you had a great time. It's nice that your quilting friends can get together that way and also that your daughter could join you. Your quilts are all lovely.
the lamp post made me laugh :D
what a talent bunch of ladies ya'll are that looked like alot of fun!
I really laughed out loud about your moon! That was just totally something I would do. I love when other people do funny things like me, they make me feel more normal.
The quilts are all just beautiful. I think it's fabulous that you ladies take time out for yourselves like this. I loved your daughters cards.
Have a great week, thanks for the laugh.
That sounds like SO much fun!! I'm glad you guys found the quilt that blew off.
That faux moon sounds like something I'd do. What's funny was that you were in the bathroom, where one might expecct to find a faux moon, too. :)
Absolutely gorgeous! Great post.
Smiles ~ Ramona
Oh you guys had way too much fun. The quilts are gorgeous, the faux moon was beautiful, and how great to have your daughter there to share in the fun. So glad you found the wayward quilt. It probably just wanted to go have a little adventure. Mimi
What a wonderful trip to take with the girls. It looks like you had a lot of fun.
I have had the same problem with the moon. We have a street light and if I am not careful I sometimes think it is the Moon too since the Moon does rise on that side of the sky.
What a hoot! Sounds like my kind of retreat! I'm guessing you did a lot of laughing!!!! ya, and some sewing....... LOL everyone's quilts are beautiful!
Glad you found the "flying" quilt.
A faux moon huh. That's so me....what a crack up!
Enjoy your day.
It sounds like you all had a fabulously fun time! I am definitely drooling over those gorgeous quilts!!!! I am so glad you found your friends quilt on the side of the road. I am also cracking up at the lamp moon!!!! Too FUNNY!!!
Oh man, this just reminded me that I didn't get invited to St. George this year for the quilt retreat. I did get one whole apple core row sewn tonight. Big whoop right? That's about all I seem to get done these days. At least I can live vicariously through you. :)
The quilts are fabulous. You are too funny about the moon! Looked like you all had a wonderful time, thats great!
Oh my gosh! I just loved the "moon" story. Seriously - that's something that would happen to me. I'd be so excited at my "find" - then .....
All those quilts are beautiful. I've never quilted, but it's on my eternal list of things I want to try. Thanks so much for the fun!
Mary Lou
M.L. ~ Thanks for your comment on my egg post. :o) Perry says that there's a protective coating on the eggs and once it's washed off they need to be refrigerated. I assume that the free-range eggs you buy at the store have been washed. Just guessing!
And I'm glad you like my party favors. My "little helper" ate a piece of the tulle I was using last night and wound up at the animal hospital. Now we have to wait it out to see if it will pass. :o( Fingers cross because I love that furry little guy!
~ Deb
Isn't time with girlfriends the very best--a whole weekend sounds wonderful!!! My girlfriends and I have done a scrapbook weekend which was wonderful. Nothing to do but laugh and craft. My mom came along too--she doesn't papercraft but she makes beautiful quilts. I am going to share this post with her. I know she will love looking at these beautiful quilts. I am glad you had such a nice time :)
PS... I am still giggling thinking about your moon story.
Oh hiliarious! A lamp? You are my kind of woman!
It looks you had a awesome time and got some beautiful quilting done too.
Goofiness is the best,
Love, a huge goof Ball ( and I don't even mean to be one...)
Miss you, Mama! I'm glad you're back safely and that you didn't encounter any werewolves under that faux moon. ;)
Good friends and beautiful quilts! Great weekend.
So good to sit here and giggle tonight...from the street lamp to the quilt escapade...Good humor and fun! Fun to see everyone "in action!"
That sounds like so much goofy fun!! The quilts are just beautiful!
BTW, thanks for the Vogue number. I'm hoping to get one this weekend while they are on sale!
What happens at a quilt retreat stays at the quilt retreat...unless you have a blog! Gorgeous quilts.
Work from home India
Boy, do I miss all of you!!!
What a fun trip. Beautiful, Amazing Quilts from Beautiful, Amazing Women. Loved your card Sarah,very nice. He will love it :)
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