Below, all the kiddos with my cute dad!!! This time my mom was behind the camera.
Look who's been having fun with the art project.

Diana...this one's for you. I had Mom read your card again (even though it's a couple weeks old) so I could take this pic for you.

My sister, June, came up with this great idea for our mom...a Wordsearch book! My mom has always loved the English language. Her favorite games in the past were Scrabble and Boggle. She always inhaled books and had an insatiable desire to learn. June has recently figured a way to play revised versions of these games with her (and also thought she would enjoy doing these word search pages). Great thinkin', June!

The Virginian came on, on this day, last week...
WOW!!! They don't make 'em like they used to! The cowboys, that is. : )

The cute thing about my mom is that she still LOVES to discuss fashion. I knew as soon as this gal arrived on the scene, there would be talk of her dress, the fabric and design. How cute!

This is sweet Margaret, above. She came into my mom's room to enjoy the last half hour of the movie with us. : )

Okay, a couple of tips to share... I know there are several tutorials out there to do all kinds of fun things with zippers these days, but I took the lazy way out and just purchased these "flowers" already made up.
Clear as mud???
Of course I used a beautiful young hand for the "hand model". You didn't think I'd use mine, did you? Uhhhhhh.......NO!

Not bad for about $3.00. : )

And one last tip...this is how my "Bling-Bling Girl" stores all her rings. As you can see, this little gadget was originally meant for storing mens ties.

Have a good Wednesday.
Love the old pic and your mom is adorable with her little fill in puppy painting. Cute idea for a ring holder and that zipper ring is adorable. Thanks for letting us know about the glitter my glitter.
Have a wonderful week!!
When the old ...Highlites magazine use to come to our house, Mekenzie and i loved to do the "hidden things" pictures and the "word find" together.
Very fun. Where did you get the
blank ring piece from?
Do you happen to know where one could find blank earring pieces...(like the old multiple beads beaded clip ons...but i dont want clip on ones???) am i making any sense at all???
hee hee!
love the zipper ring idea!!!!!!!!
Hi, Tell you Mom the puppies look wonderful .. you honor your Mom in a beautiful way. Neat idea for the "bling bling" holder. Have a good Wednesday! Sandy :O)
Your mom's puppy art is looking good! What a great idea that was - and word searches too.
Ha! I was just programming the DVR for next week's movies and was trying to decide if I wanted to record The Virginian (I went with Sherlock Holmes in Dressed to Kill instead).
When I saw the photo of the hairclip and your explanation my first thought was "Why did they put all that on the card..." until I realized YOU were the one who put it there, haha! WOW. Maybe I should go to bed!
Oh, I love your Wednesdays! What a great idea the word search was! My Dad loves those types of books. Have a wonderful week, ML
xoxo Pattie
I love how you are always finding things for you Mom to enjoy and do. Her art work is amazing and I can see that her mind is still working on those puzzles.
Fun post!!! Love your daughter's ring storage. I have a similar storage system for necklaces hanging from a men's belt storage gismo in our closet.
Must. Make. That. Zipper. Ring!!! Very cute. :o)
Your mom looks wonderful! the puppy picture is so grandmother used to like word search and always had the books around when I was younger...Now for those zipper rings etc...I have never seen anything like that in my like! they are awesome...who would have thought....Have a nice day! Mary lou!! Hugs, Jennifer
Your mom just makes me smile. I've said it before...but I just love how you take such good care of her.
Love the zipper look going on. My daughter has the cutest top with zipper rosette's and ruffles.
Have a great day.
your Mom is just really getting into that art project! I love sharing wednesdays with you, they are the highlight of the week!
Another fabulous vintage photo. I just love those. Great idea about the word books, and I love that your mom is so into the Westerns. My beloved Grandmother used to be addicted to them. She didn't call them Westerns, she referred to them as the Cowboys. "Lets watch the Cowboys," she used to say, or "I'm in the mood to watch a Bangy-Bangy movie." All day Sundays, the Cowboys were on at her home.
Have a lovey day,
June is one smart cookie. It's so good to give mom a good dose of brain health. It sharpens our mind and it's so fun. We often use games and word puzzels in our Alzheimer house.
Thanks for the heads up on Marie's give away...I'm gonna get on my bike and travel over there and sign up! Your blog is so fun girlfriend...I love to come visiting!
As always love the picture of all of you with your Dad. Your Mom is doing a great job with her picture and the word search puzzle is FABULOUS for her mind and thinking skills.
The zipper ring is GREAT!! Enjoy your day.♥
I am with your mom...those cowboys are something as well as that dress!!!
The word search books are a fantastic idea. Such wonderful kids your Mom ended up with. :0
Love the ring idea and the storage of the bling as well. SO clever!!
I am loving your Easter display...must work on my Spring stuff too.
I love the old photo's. I came from a family of five children also. When we all get together, it makes a huge crowd now. Thanks for a chance at this great giveaway!
Mary Lou,
As usual a great post with Mom! I so enjoy how she is lovingly cared for by you and yours! Have a good weekend!
I love how you all work so hard to make sure your momma's keeping mentally fit with the crosswords and crafts. :)
My granddaughters would love the zipper ring. And what a great idea for a way to store them. Thanks for the great ideas.
Looks like your Mom was having fun with her word search. What a great idea.
What a great idea for your mom. She is so precious and so are YOU for your dedication and love.
This is a special time in our lives as we love our parents like they did us.
Dad has kept us busy this week with lost slippers, his tv broke so he got a new HD to watch his beloved Jazz games, and today he called to say his wagon (wheelchair) broke. I love each moment we get to spend with him and his eyes seem to get clearer adn clearer.
You daughter's idea is so clever for taking care of her rings
Love your Mom's art project and word searches. Great idea. The zipper ring is so cute.
Your mom just glows ~ she knows how much she's loved! I would love to sit and watch The Virginian with her and discuss the fashions of the day. Isn't that Doug McClure? I love his vest! : )
Sara's ring organizer is great and the zipper ring ~ how fun is that!
Thanks for mentioning my giveaway're so nice!!!
How awesome is that ring!!!!And you made it for under 3.00????
That is crazy wonderful!!!!I love it!!!!
The word book is so fun, I love doing those too!!!!Your Mom is so wonderful and tell her I think that dress on that episode was very cute and love the plaid!!!!
THe cowboys are cute to look at too!! No --no show compares to the Virginians or Bonanza!!!
Mom looks so darn cute, ML! I thought that word games would entice my mom after she began saying that crossword puzzles were too much for her, but she didn't bite!
She still plays Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy though...
That zipper ring is a cute idea!
It looks like your mom is finding all sorts of things that she likes to do! Such a blessing!
Love the ring-It turned out really cute!
You sweet Mom is just precious. You are to be commended in finding ways to keep her mind active. Kudos to you.
Your ring is it!
God bless and have a marvelous weekend!!!
What a wonderful time it looks like she is having. My Husband and I love those word search books. The Virginian brings back alot of great memories for me with my Mom too. Loved that show.
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