Today, I wanted thank my mom's little "fan club", who stop by here each week to check in on her. I originally started this little feature in 2008 for two reasons...first, for my brothers & sisters, my mother's grandchildren and great grandchildren. Second, to force myself to be consistent with my Wednesday visits. I knew this would keep me accountable and I've loved every minute of documenting these days together. So thank you for caring about her, too. : )

I thought I would highlight some pics of my sister, June, today because she had the week off from Work last week and was able to go to lunch with Mom and me.

And I didn't want my sister, Diana, to feel left out (she lives in another State). We wish you could have joined us last week, Diana!

What a great time the three of us had getting out together.

Below, explaining something important...I just can't remember what, now???

I can't believe what a good sport my mom has been for these last two years, when it comes to posing for me. She ALWAYS complies with my silly requests. Thanks, mom! : )

Remember my great motivation for cleaning the Guestroom/Studio last week? Well, here she is in all her adorable splendor!!! Cute, cute Melanie! I took this pic on Sunday. Her mom (my SIL) made this dress that looks just like it came out of an Audrey Hepburn movie.
We couldn't resist. : )
My next post will be all about our "Excellent Adventure" of a weekend...and beyond. Part of it involved this wonderful performance by Melanie's big sister, Julie's, school choir.

Have a good Wednesday!
HI Marylou!!!
I am a big Wednesday with Mom feature!!!!
I think your Mom looks absolutely the same as she did back int aht old pic!!!! She looks fabulous!!! her face has not changed much at all!!!SO glad you and your Sister June got to spend some fun time together taking her out to lunch!!!
I love LOVE that dress, and yes, so AUdrey Hepburn looking!!! she wears it well and twirls even better!!!!
Have a fun time with her visiting!!!
What a beautiful Family you Have, and thanks for sharing your Wednesdays with us.
I am having a Easter Candy Cup Giveaway.
Stop on by for a chance to win!
Join the Fun
Hugs, Diane
Hi Marylou, Your mom looks great! and I always enjoy your posts...I wish I could show a picture of my mom but she doesn't like pictures at all and having one on the computer to show everyone, would be even a bigger NO!...LOL!!! I enjoy the family photo's you show too and the pretty dresses your mom wore back then....and of course I love all your creative crafting too! have a super day! hugs Jennifer
It is so sweet dedicating Wednesdays with your mum, and fascinating to hear all about her and your family.
You made me realize how much I take my parents for granted, they arent here forever, yet we sometimes forget...
I LOVE your Wednesday posts! And I seriously envy you having sisters- I always wanted a sister!
xoxo Pattie
I have noticed that your Mom poses so well for your pictures. My favorite thus far, is the day she wore your sunglasses to ride to the dr. - so cute and sporty!!! Lovely that you all were able to enjoy lunch out. That's a beautiful dress and "model" - fun photo!
What a precious post...also those pictures...I LOVE that dress your sil made..OH MY GOODNESS, I adore it!!
What Melanies dress adorable!!
Have a great week!
I think we have all fallen in love with your mom. I see a little bit of my Mom in her...she is sweet.
Love those childhood pictures. Your mom always looked glamourous to me.
Happy Wednesday to you! Hope you have a wondeful day!
I think it is so sweet to that you share your time with your mom with us. I find it really inspirational. I wish that I could spend the time with my mother as you do yours but we live in different states. I do cherish the time we do get to spend together though. As for the dress your sister in law made, WoW! Love it.
Mary Lou - Although I enjoy reading all your posts, I especially love "Wednesdays with My Mom"! Please count me as a big fan of hers. She is so precious! Thanks for sharing her with us!
Fun pictures! And I love Melanie's dress! xo
Hi Mary Lou,
I bet your mom LOVES posing in all of the pictures and being your Wednesday blog star! She is just the sweetest!
Hi Mary Lou,
You'll never regret what you are doing here with your Mom. You're making great memories for your family and yourself about your Mom. To actually document and have pics of your visits and outings. What a good daughter you are!
I cannot tell you how much your posts have meant to me, sharing your visits with Mom have become a highlight of my blog week. I still miss my Mom so and getting to visit with you and yours always brings a smile to my face! Love and blessings to Mom and your family!!!
Glad your sister could join you with your Mom. Love all your pictures.
Lunch looks fun. Love the photo of you and June when you were little--you look thrilled.
Hi ML, I love Wednesdays with Mom and I feel as though I know you all! That's a little weird and maybe even stalker-ish, but think of me as a friendly stalker. :)
You guys were so cute as kids and there is such a family resemblance amongst you all.
Mom looks terrific, by the way. You haven't mentioned her tests lately. How is she doing?
I'm a huge Mom fan~! I always look forward to Wednesdays here~♥
I'm a MOM fan! Your MOM is so cute!
What a beautiful family!
Thanks for sharing!
Those are good reasons to do your weekly post! Maybe i should announce some of my goals to the W.W.W. so i get some Umph to follow through. :)
My Grandmother in Michigan is in the hospital and they are not releasing her to go home. They want her to go to a nursing home to get the care she needs.
i am wishing so badly that i could bring her here to Utah and care for her. My heart aches for that oppurtunity. You are truly blessed.
love shell
Melanies dress= wonderfantasmical!
Those are good reasons to do your weekly post! Maybe i should announce some of my goals to the W.W.W. so i get some Umph to follow through. :)
My Grandmother in Michigan is in the hospital and they are not releasing her to go home. They want her to go to a nursing home to get the care she needs.
i am wishing so badly that i could bring her here to Utah and care for her. My heart aches for that oppurtunity. You are truly blessed.
love shell
Melanies dress= wonderfantasmical!
oh yah and p.s.
i have something i would love to give to you. i dont know if you are wanting or needing it right now...but it may come in handy.
I use to own an online shop called house of whimsy and i own the website for it. it is very whimsical and right up your alley. all the paperwork is in utah. i will be there in a few days and i would love to hand it over to you. it does no good without web hosting.... (like Pappashop) but anywho. I paid good money for the web design and it is wonderfully simple.
It is free for you.
no strings attached!
i just don't have my shop anymore.
and it is named house of whimsy.
just a thought .
Such a joy to come here. Have a wonderful week and weekend.
Another lovely visit with your mom...and your sister! Your mom is looking good! Love that darling dress too...handmade wow!
I am not sure if you have had a chance to stop by to enter my "Blue Monday" giveaway....I think you will like it...
I still can't get over your craft room is awesome. It is giving me so much inspiration...
Every time I see June's name mentioned by heart just warms and I get all tied up with your blog. If you remember, my mom's name was June. You might enjoy some of my childhood pictures today on my post. I love the fact you still have your mom and how you share the family time with us.
I love the twirling moment. How cute! Sending my best, your way!
Thank you for nice comments on my blog. Your mother is a darling!!
Agneta, the swedish one
Great post. Mom, sister, niece & a bit of a teaser of what is to come. Love it!
Beckie in Brentwood, TN
I Love your Wednesday post. I think I told you that before. You have such a beautiful family. I stories are touching. Have a wonderful day
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