Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wednesdays With My Mom

I absolutely adore this photo of my parents, below. It was taken by a 'street photographer' one day as my parents were shopping in downtown Dallas. Thank you dear photographer. This photograph was taken after five children...and still in love. : )
These three collages, below, represent my mom's week in the hospital. Except we're missing pics of the days my brother and my sister-in-law came down. And also my oldest daughter, son-in-law and their two little pumpkins, who came by for a visit.

My mom is now in a Rehabilitation Center, now that the "cement" procedure has been done on her spine. It's been slow-going though and we're hoping her second day there will be more productive as far as physical therapy goes. Thank you everyone, who has prayed for our mother. It's in God's hands now and I trust Him completely.
Mary Lou


  1. Mary Lou, so glad the surgery is done with and she's able to work on feeling better. Hugs and prayers to you all
    xoxo Pattie

  2. I think that might be the best pic you've posted's so precious!!! Your family is in my thoughts and prayers...I know you've had a trying week. Often the caregivers have it rougher than the one who is being taken care of!!!
    In His Love...Deb

  3. just sent a little bubble prayer up for your mom to have a surprisingly good day with therapy today!
    Youre mom is blessed with wonderful children!

  4. I too just adore that picture of your parents. Looks like a picture from the fashion magazines...

  5. You, your Mom, and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I will pray for strength for you as you help your precious Mom recover. Please take care of yourself too.

  6. LOVE the picture! They look like they belong in a magazine!

    Glad the surgery went well, praying for a speedy rehab!

    Take care!

  7. I adore that photo of your parents as well.
    I am glad Mom is progressing. I pray that she is up and around in no time. Glad she can still get her 'westerns' on TV!!!

  8. The picture of your parents is amazing...looks like it came right out of the newspaper fashion pages. Physical therapy can be tougher sometimes than the actual surgery. I'm sure your Mom is getting good care and I know she's getting lots of love and support from her cheering section. (I was glad to see John Wayne came for a visit) Make sure you get enough rest to stay strong.
    Keeping you in prayer.

  9. I love that first picture, Mary Lou!!! So glad your mom is on the healing side of this procedure - and so glad to see an update this week! xo

  10. What a wonderful photo of your parents ~ I wonder...were they coming from the movie theater in the background. It looks like they may be discussing how much they enjoyed the Gregory Peck movie they just saw!

    I will continue to pray for your Mom as she recovers ~ and for you as you minister to her. What a blessing to know that God is in control!

  11. Big hugs for Mom! She still looks great for being in the hospital! A true trooper! I think she has been so brave, I will keep her in my prayers and you all as well.

  12. I had to back read and find out what I had missed. So so sorry your little mom has had to go through all of this pain.
    Hopefully no more.
    Your family has a strong bond of Faith and love, which has touched my heart so many times.
    I know you love your sweet mom, and she loves you. It's a circle of love, and aren't we glad to know it's on both sides of the veil?
    The picture of your folks really is dear.

    Thinking about you.

  13. That is a FABULOUS picture of your parents....captured beautifully!!

    I still have your Mom in my prayers. I hope her therapy gives her great results and that she is pain free.

  14. Hi Mary Lou, Hope all is going better for you and our family. Let the healing be fast. Thanks for sharing the pics. The power of prayer is amazing, no prayer comes back void. God Bless :O)

  15. what a lovely photograph, it certainly captures the love between them :) I continue to hold Mom in my prayers!

  16. I hope she heals quickly and that this helps her bunches.

  17. I'll continue to pray for her that the physical therapy goes well. She is so lucky to have such a supportive family. Loved that picture of your Mom and Dad.

  18. Praying for a quick recovery! The picture of your parents is beautiful. It makes me want to go out and take more photos!

  19. What a treasure you have....all of these post and pictures of your Mom....YOU ARE THE VERY BEST absolutely put me to shame........bless your Mom's ♥....I will keep her in my prayers...

  20. Such a great picture of your her little white gloves. Hope your mom is resting comfortably and the therapy goes well.

  21. Thanks for the update on your dearest Mom :) The photo collage was fun to see.
    Continued prayers for all.
    Deb :)

  22. What a fabulous photo of your parents. Glad to hear the surgery went well. Sending prayers and wishes for a super-speedy recovery.


  23. Oh...I felt so bad seeing your cute mom sitting in her hospital bed. She is just so darn cute!

    Glad she has such a good family to look after her.
    Have a great day.

  24. Your mom and dad are just the cutest thing ever. I love that outfit she's wearing. Gloves to go shopping! Don't see that much anymore. Lately you see people shopping in pj bottoms... I must be getting old. Give your mom a big hug for me. Mimi

  25. That is one gorgeous photograph...& what a figure your Mum had after FIVE children!!!

    So glad that progress is being made & thanks for sharing the week in wonderful for her to be surrounded by so much love & a caring family..she must have a hard time counting up ALL her blessings!!

    Remember to take care of yourself as's as stressful for you as for your Mum...take some ME time when you can.

    Sending {{{hugs}}} xx

  26. Hugs to you and your mom :) I love the pictures of her you post :)

  27. I trust Him completely too, ML and I know He has His eyes and His hands on Wilma right now. xo

  28. What a wonderful picture of totally in love. She mom looks great for having had 5 babies then.
    I am praying for your mom. I hope the Rehab goes well for her and she can return home soon. Heavenly Father is indeed in charge and HE always knows best.
    Take care of you so you can be there for her!~♥

  29. With John Wayne and God at her side, success is a given! Prayers, Elizabeth

  30. Love the picture. This feels like a totally different post now.

  31. Oh my gosh Mary Lou...that picture of your mom and dad is so special. I love it and the joy is just radiating between them.
    Seems to me the Great Physician was at work, in the hands of the earthly Physicians. Happy mom is in rehab and she came through it okay. It's amazing how medicine is moving forward and helping us. Bless her heart. Love sent!

  32. Oh Mary Lou.....what a beautiful mother you have!!!
    And, what a nice tribute to her and your wonderful relationship; I lost my mother very young so I is nice to see a mother/daughter relationship.

    It was great meeting you this weekend at the craft event.



  33. I'm so glad your mom's surgery went well. Shall continue to pray for her. I love the old pics of your mom! She always looks so beautiful!

  34. Hi Mary Lou,

    Thank you so much for participating in our show, it was such a pleasure to finally meet you! You are truly such a lovely personality, and what a beautiful lady you are, too! Thank you again for the lovely little gift, I will treasure it because you made it. I'm really enjoying this exchanging of ideas, and gifts through blogland and I'm getting a lovely little collection together of work from those that I admire. I hope you will give us another try in the fall, as you have such lovely creations to share with the world. Thank you again, and I look forward to more get togethers!


  35. Hi Marylou!!!!
    Oh I so love that pic of your MOM taken by a street photographer, look how stunning she looked that day, wow, she looks amazing!!!!How fun that you have this pic to show us all!!!
    Tell her I said Hello and I am truly Praying and lifting her up everyday to our Lord and Savior.
    God is good and he knows what everyone needs just wants us to ask!!!
    Have a great week,

  36. Bless her ♥!!! My mom loves John Wayne too....

    You are such a great daughter!
