I'm sorry if I worried anyone last week by not updating. So much has happened and I just felt like life was spinning out of control. Thank heavens for siblings (and in-law siblings) who can share in the emotional and physical challenge of caring for an elderly parent.
Thank you, one and all, who made everything that happened last week, possible!
First of all, these first few pics are from last week. My mom had a little visitor come see her at the Rehabilitation/Nursing Care facility. My wonderful friend, Margie, brought 'Little Bit' down to cheer her up.

My mom was initially very happy to see Little Bit but quickly became exhausted and wasn't able to enjoy her as much as we'd hoped. But thank you so much for your good heart, Margie...always trying to do good in this world. : )

Thank you to family, friends and great grand children who sent their love to my mom!!!

Okay, so it quickly became evident that my mom wasn't going to make much, if any progress, even in the new place. It was SO disheartening. If you remember, this is Sam (below) that has been caring for my Mom since last Summer in her residential Home Care. Sam and her husband visited my mom in the hospital and in the facilities. When Sam observed the same thing we did, she said, "Why don't you just bring your mom back to me and I will bring people in who can help me with physical therapy and such and we will watch over her 'round the clock."

So from there my local brother and sister (Steve and June) got on the phone and went into hyper-drive, making it all happen in a matter of hours instead of several days. They, along with their spouses, made a miracle happen. I still can't believe it all worked out. As they say, "Tender mercies of the Lord". And thank you, sweet, sweet Sam!!!

Above...the beautiful roses Steve and his wife, Cindy, bought as a 'Welcome Home' gift for my mom. They traveled down from up North to oversee the physical move, as my household was in the middle of holding a two- day Garage Sale. BTW...I just remembered why I haven't had one in about seven years...we were 100% exhausted and every bone in our bodies hurt by the end!!

Onto the "Something New Learned"...

Margie has a "Long Arm" in her garage and let me try it one night (about a month ago). We used some fabric I've had lying around since 1991???? and decided to practice on this little quilt that would end up going to a Foundation that gives them to the needy.

She helped me get it set up and away I went...
Oops...just learning! Look at those crooked stars. 
Then we came in the house for a break and a snack and to visit with 'Little Bit' and 'Sarge'. Hi Cuties!!!

On the other half (a second small quilt), I tried a different pattern and had much better success. It's SO FUN to do swirls, as opposed to trying to get those lines and points straight on the stars.

Ahhh....much better!!! : )

Thanks, sweet Margie!!!
Okay, I'm going to try to catch up...AGAIN...out there! However, I'm expecting out-of-town Company either Thursday night or Friday morning and you
ALL know what that means...
Panic mode!!! But it's always worth it in the end! : )
Praying for each of you dear friend.
Oh my gosh, Mary Lou. No wonder you are exhausted - lots going on. I'm so happy to hear that your mom is on to better surroundings, and I trust that you will keep us updated.
And I'm SOOOO jealous that you got to play with that quilting machine. How very fun for you!
Keep your chin up! xo
Margie is a special person. Your quilt looks lovely. Glad you've had some help with your Mom.
Mary Lou, I hope you can feel the well wishes headed your way and the prayers for your Mom. I'm so glad that she is home. Elizabeth
Hi Mary Lou,
I'm so glad your mom got to come back home. We had hospice with my dad and they were miracle workers for my mom. They stayed with him 24/7 and it was so nice to know that a nurse was with him if we had to run an errand or something. My mom also became really good friends with the nurse that my dad had, and they still stay in touch and do lunch even though it's been almost 4 years since he passed.
I hope things settle down for you soon, and if you need a getaway you can always come over to my house, or we can go shopping or somthing.
Take care girlfriend,
Mary Lou,
I am so glad to hear you found the right place with the right person to take care of her! Sam is a God send, no doubt! It is great that she knows your Mom so well...it will be easier for sure. I know change is so hard for patients like her....I hope she settles in just fine! A garage sale, huh????? Yup, I vow to do no more of those ever!!!! LOL I took your little tote I bought to Wisconsin, it was perfect on the plane and it held a bunch! Thanks again! :) If there is anything I can do to help, I am just an email away!!! :)
Oh dear- we're planning our next garage sale right now...
SO glad your mom is back where she belongs. No doubt she'll make better progress surrounded by familiar and loving people. Praying for you all
xoxo Pattie
You have had so much going on..and I do appreciate the update.
I hope that Mom is doing better now back at her place?!?
Sending up prayers that she improves soon.
Love the swilrly quilting too...looks like fun for someone who knows how to sew. For me, it would be a miracle!!!
I'm so sorry your Mom wasn't making the progress you had hoped. So thankful that you have Sam. It sounds like Sam and her husband will take great care of your Mom. It is wonderful that you have all of your family to help you with everything.
I LOVE the quilt and I bet you had so much fun playing around and learning on that long arm.
Hope you are having a great week.♥
Glad you got your Mother moved where she will be more comfortable. What a pretty quilt.
What a blessing Sam must be to you and your mom!! Looks like you had some great fun with the quilting arm.
Have a great day!
Bless you and your family for putting your dear Mom first and for Sam and her hubby. God has a special place for caretakers :)
I have tears in my eyes...
The quilt machine is cool! Love your Happy Book!
Take care!
Deb :)
oh i am so happy she is out of there and in the presence of those who love her so dearly!
Tell your mom that we all say hello and Happy Mothers Day!
she has become so important to us.
bless her heart~ that lil doll.
Happy mom's day to you this weekend.
(ps i love the alamo pictures. it made me think of the pee wee herman movie.... when the fortune reader told him his red bike was in the basement of the alamo. ha ha ha)
Tender mercies indeed. My life is just full of them. Glad your mom is back "home". I read your story and it all comes back to me. The last few months of my moms life. Enjoy every minute you have with her. Mimi
Oh man, where to begin. Caring for elderly parents is so difficult. You start to learn that you are the one that must be in the dirver's seat, cudh a difficult transition, and then there are so many decisions. Decisions to be made FOR the ones who used to help YOU make the decisions. My Dad is now gone, as are my in-laws. My Mom is still with us, but certainly not the lady she was. It's so hard. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
I bet you could use a bit of whimsy.
- The Tablescaper
Hope your mom sees some improvement now that she's back home. I know what you mean about the garage sale, not as much fun as it sounds in the newspaper.
Hi Mary Lou, My goodness, it's been tough for you and your family, so sorry to hear about this. What a wonderful blessing with Sam. I think things will be much better now. You've been miss in blogland but for good reason, we'll definitely keep your Mom in prayer. They say animals are wonderful healers . . so true. I hope you had a successful Garage Sale, they're lots of work, but lots of fun too. Hang in there Mary Lou and lots of blessings sent your way! Sandy :O)
Your mom looks great...so glad her little visitor cheered her up too.
I have been wanting to try a longarm machine for a long time...what fun!
BTW I love your header photo! Hugs!
HI Marylou!!!
SO happy Mom is back where she belongs, Sam seems to have a heart of Gold, to love these patients as family and to her I am sure they are.
I hope being back where things are a little familiar Mom will bounce back to her usual self.
It is difficult sometimes as we can do only so much. So glad you have lots of family to help you out.
Giver her a hug for me.
Your quilting is lovely, waht a great machine to do this for you!!!!I could quilt maybe if I had one of those!!!!
I have a few quilts from family members and theya re treasures for sure!!!!
Have a Great week, enjoying your company
and you can pop by anytime, no stresses over it!!!
What a fabulous gift good friends are! How wonderful that your Mum is in a home environment with people she knows & have her best interests at heart.
Get some rest yourself...let your houseguests muck in & just enjoy the company!! Great work with the quilts...that 'long arm' looks an impressive bit of kit!!
Thanks for dropping by my blog & I can't believe you had a frozen shoulder too...mine came on gradually & I had to live with the pain & incapacity for 18 months before surgery, but thankfully it's been fine since!
Have a great weekend!
I'm glad your mom got to get back to her residential home. Praying that she makes a lot of progress!
How much fun was that long-arm? I am so jealous!!!
Enjoy your company this weekend!
And have a happy Mother's Day!!
Hugs ML!
What a sweetheart Sam must be! WHat a great blessing family is our lives.
Tender Mercies for sure.
I have NO have a yard desire to have a yard sale....
Hard work is right!
Hang in there.
Happy Mothers Day
My goodness! Life has certainly been full for you and yours hasn't it! Your mom has been in my prayers ~ I'm so glad to hear that she's back with Sam. Your mom looks so happy in that picture with Sam. I love the sweet little smile on her face!
What fun to try out the "Long Arm" ~ looks like you were getting the hang of it pretty quickly!
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