Saturday, March 5, 2011

How I Fixed My "Oops"

A couple years ago I ordered this cake stand in the color, ivory, from Ballard's.

Here it is, below, a few days before the "Oops" happened.
Thank goodness I was able to salvage the plate part and the base in one piece. I took a hammer and knocked off that sharp edge.
Next...I went straight to Goodwill and found THE PERFECT item to fix my plate. Only $2.99. Thank you, Goodwill. : )

I took it apart because I didn't need all of it.
I used these items below to help me with the project.
Primer first, then ivory paint, then gloss acrylic spray. Drying well, between each coat. Then I glued it all back together with E-6000 glue, available at Walmart and hardware stores.

And, voila!!! : )
Happy Days Are Here Again! : )
And speaking of Happy Days... we took the little princesses to KFC the other night. The same one that "Aunt Sara and Uncle Will" went to for some of their engagement pics.

Awww, so cute!!! : )
I'm linking up to:


  1. Wow great way to salvage that cake stand. I would have probably tossed it.

  2. Great fix! I love e6000 it is always a glue to turn to in time of need! I bet that KFC was yummy~ oxox, Diane

  3. HI!!
    NO ON WOULD EVER are a cake plate surgeon!!
    GREAT JOB!!!
    I know who I will send any broken thing to if I have an oops.
    I LOVE that it is a simple KFC that you did those engagement pics at....
    I have been wanting to do some photos in an ice cream shop setting but other then Johnny Rockets ... I was lost..... I think we have a KFC/A&W rootbeer place near us!!!So I will check to see if the seats are this nice!!!
    I bet you brought your own mug and cute straws with you!!!
    Love that!!!
    Have a Great week
    it is always good to pop in and see you!!

  4. You did a great job on that cake stand. Love all the pictures of your grandchildren. Hope the newly married couple are doing great.

  5. wow! I'm much impressed! I keep seeing people use that E6000 glue. I have to pick some up, it seems like its good to have on hand.
    youre such a smarty!
    hugs adn happy sunday!

  6. Love the oops fix! Great idea! The pictures are so cute...I would have never thought of doing that, either!

  7. I'm lovin' the ML version of this cake stand better than the original but then you knew I would,right? You are a clever girl and would never want to see a cake stand go to waste! The princesses look like they're having a fun time at KFC.
    Hope the sun is shining on you today dear' snowing here :(

  8. Well ain't you somethin'

    I would have never in a million years thought to do that. It turned out soooo cute.

  9. You go girl, if anyone can rescue the cake stand you can! I have no doubt. You make me smile and give me hope for all my broken, chipped gnomes that need repair in the garage. I have two that are cement with chipped noses. What is a girl to do?

    You would like my fashion show today...if you have time, take a peek at my young friend her poodle skirt! Girls just gotta have fun!

  10. I came back to blogging not to long ago, and I'm so glad I came across your blog again...I had purchased a ballerina in a black ball shaped cage when you had your etsy shop, do you still sell your wonderful items? I remember you had made some fabric are just so talented...I remember you posted about your beautiful mother...I just enjoyed everything about your blog...come visit me when you get a chance...hugs, Jennifer

  11. Wow, you're brave. I added a picture of the banner--I found one that wasn't all stretchy weird. :)

  12. Nice save. The princesses' photo and the engagement photos are great!

  13. shut up! It looks like it came that way Mom! You are incredible. No one can salvage crafts like my mama here. It's totally seamless :) This make me miss being home!!!! love you!

  14. You did good! E6000 is an old stand by for me also.

  15. YOU are the MOST clever woman I know. :)

    Love those photos...priceless!

  16. Great job with the cake stand!! And cute picture of the girls at KFC, I had no idea KFC was so cute! I wouldn't have guessed that was where Sara and Will's darling pictures were taken!!

  17. I have a box of broken dishes that I will "someday" turn into a wonderful mosaic tabletop. Ahem. Your fix was perfect! Great idea. I do love that e6000. Fabulous adhesive! Mimi

  18. It's better now than before. perfect!

  19. Do you know...I think I actually prefer the repaired cake stand... & at least you know it's unique!! Well done on a great job! Am I allowed to ask how the Oooops! happened?

    Good ol' KFC!! Great place for a photo shoot & my boys food of choice!! :)

  20. LOOKS SO GOOD! You would never know! I have looked at the pictures over and over and to see how you did it! You’re so clever!!! ;-)
    LOVED the pictures! Panache! That must run in you guy’s genes!!!

  21. Hello Mary-Lou, Only you could figure that one out so well . . great fix! Your daughter Sara looks so pretty . . that must be called happiness! Thanks for sharing and blessings to you, Sandy:O)

  22. What a terrific idea! I would have just been like, "Crap. I really liked that cake stand." Ha! I really need to be more creative with repairing things like that. :)

  23. Mary Lou, Your make-over/fix ups always make me giggle! You can tell you are determined to get to the desired end results and won't let small breaks or chips stand in your way. Inspiring as always, filled with passion and love of family, your blog always makes me smile! Elizabeth
