Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My New Bird Pattern

I've been working on a little squatty-bird pattern so that I could put them in my Shop.
Here's a photo of my trial and error birds. : )

I basically took my wedding bird pattern...re-positioned the nose, changed up the tail and tweeked the angle of where the legs went in.
I know there are many little fabric birds sold Online, but this is my take on these little cuties!

I had WAY too much fun taking these little guys around the house for their photo shoot.

I only have four in the Shop for now, so grab 'em while you can. : )


  1. great job! they are adorable!

  2. I knew they'd be spectacular!! Love them!

  3. eeeee they're so cute! love the little beaks :) it's so great that you can make something out of nothing! you're so creative. love you Mom!

    House of Shoes

  4. They are perfect I sure know where to Shop when I need a sweet gift! Darling... oxox, Diane

  5. ML,
    These are wonderful!!!!! And your style for sure! Sandy

  6. They are adorable and very photographic. :)

  7. Another adorable creation ML! They are cute...just like you! I featured your Etsy store on my blog today...speaking of cuteness!

  8. Do you think a pair of these could fly over a couple of houses to my house? I would love a black/white one and a teal/white one. Do you do special orders?

  9. Jen,
    Of course I'll do special orders. I'll be in touch. : )

  10. You are so creative, ML! I love that you do what you do!!

  11. Ha...they make me HAPPY! Can I name them Mr. and Mrs. Happy? Cute...so darn cute. I hope they sell to good homes and as a pair since they are Mr. and Mrs. in my book. Would not want to break up the happy couple!

  12. I am so going to follow your blog! Love ALL your bird stuff!
    KAT Griffin

  13. Hi MJ. OMG!!! They are the sweetest things! I love 'em. And the fabrics you choose are perfect. So cute and whimsical.

    Thanks for sharing. Hope you're having a great weekend!


  14. HI!!!
    OH I love those little birds and the perch in which they sit upon!!I also adore the LOVE Sign in between them!!!Hmmmmm....could a bird party happen at my house any time soon??????
    Or maybe just maybe a pair of these cute birds in a room in my house?????
    I just might!!!
    I hope to post a few of the wedding pics, I was SOOOO Nervous, not going to lie!!
    It ended up a good day, considering the church has a NO flash RULE....however that did not help this nervous Photographer NEW at weddings!!!
    Have a great weekend

  15. Those are so cute! Love the trial and errors....

  16. Adorable! I love the material designs you used.
