Miss J here, is the only one wearing a petticoat underneath, so I enlarged her pic to give a true idea of what the finished product will look like. So fun!!!
Working on the centerpieces, below.
The flowers, below, will go on each girls' pair of shoes, so as to give the appearance of them all matching.
I leave you, this week, with some adorable photos from Will and Sara's Engagement Photo Shoot the other day. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Jessica!!! You did a fabulous job!!! : )
I'm sure you've seen "Sweet Shops" at other Weddings. Well, with Sara's colors and theme...how could we resist??? We still need to make the pendants for Will's name. Here's three delightful 'Inspiration Photos' below:
Photo above from: Amy Atlas Events
And here's the beginnings of our collection (below). All to be added to glass jars eventually. I leave you with GREAT NEWS: 5 dresses down, 2 to go!!! : )
First off, is this little number Sara made for a birthday gift for one of her artist friends. It was sold as bare wood from Hobby Lobby... Like so: Cute, huh?She added the hooks so she could hang her jewelry from it. Next, we still have Wedding Stuff coming out of our ears. Lots of frames to paint cream... These are only a few so far.
See the pitchers below? We'll be painting MANY of these puppies cream for part of the centerpieces. Like so: Hope you're having a good one! : )
Actually about that PHOTO! Sara was taking candid photos one night while the whole Fam was at Chick-fil-A. I decided to use it because it made me look younger. When my married daughter ,Emily, saw it she said ever so sweetly (really), "Ah Mom, you're not wearing any make-up in that photo." I said, "Yeah, but it makes me look younger than I am." I chose younger with no make-up as opposed to older (with) make-up. Go figure.