Here's a little something my friend, Margie, taught me to make...
We used her steamer to flatten the cones. Once inside, put the lid on, and wait for a minute and a half. They will flatten, like so: VERY QUICKLY, take it out and shape, like so: Next, fill with fun Fall-colored candy. Last... wrap in plastic wrap, add ribbon and card. ENJOY! Linking to:
My friends and I recently made this little Baby Jesus (x 32) for a leadership meeting we held down at the church last week. Thank you Garry and Carole, for giving our family the original one several years ago. How appropriate that they all fit right under this large painting of Christ. : ) The refreshment table: We served Pumpkin cheesecake after wards. No surprise there! : ) I leave you today, with these photos of my adorable girls!!! Lucky me!!!!! : )
Actually about that PHOTO! Sara was taking candid photos one night while the whole Fam was at Chick-fil-A. I decided to use it because it made me look younger. When my married daughter ,Emily, saw it she said ever so sweetly (really), "Ah Mom, you're not wearing any make-up in that photo." I said, "Yeah, but it makes me look younger than I am." I chose younger with no make-up as opposed to older (with) make-up. Go figure.