is exactly what you should tell me after reading this Post!!! You see, it all started when I bought these two "Dick and Jane" paper suitcases at separate times last year. I looked and looked for the middle-sized no avail. So I did what every other non-obsessed person would do...... I took the biggest suitcase (below) down to the copy center and made several color copies of it. Wow! That's what I call desperate!! Or...we could call it a few other things...but let's not. I recently found the perfect middle-sized suitcase at Ross, but the dresses had to go. The rest of the insanity went as follows: Ahhh...Now I can sleep again! J/K (I promise). But it sure makes me smile : )
Funny Story:When I first started blogging, my youngest daughter walked by her sister and me and said, "Whatcha doin'?" Big sister, Emily, said, "I'm helping Mom set up a Blog." At that, little sister rolled her eyes and said, "Oh, that's just Facebook for old ladies." We all "Laughed Out Loud"!!! But I got the last laugh because I told her, "Just wait, when you're an old married lady, you'll join the crowd too, cuz it's just So Much Fun!!!" This Post is all about "Case in Point". Look who has an ADORABLE "old ladies Facebook"!!! : ) Sara's Blog is mostly a "Fashion Blog", where she tells where most of her things came from and how to dress on a budget. I'm very proud of her. Sara's also having fun photographing her cute new apartment (as seen below). I close with this fun "blast from the past"...the photo on the left is me (way back when...and wearing my husband's glasses, btw). The one on the right is of another current Fashion Blogger. Sara says all my "old styles are coming back". What goes around comes around, right? To see more of Sara's fun Fashion Blog, gohere, and tell her...... her momma sent you. : )
Here's how I broke it in. : ) This went on a bag full of cupcakes. I thought I'd throw this one in, too. I made it a few years ago, but didn't use it until recently. I made it at a Scrapbook Convention (good times, Cindy!). What a fun idea, huh? Yippee for Spring Break!!!!! I hope you enjoyed yours!!! : )
Just a play on words. I'm sure there must be a cuter bag in the world...somewhere!! I just love this Amy Butler pattern. I was SO happy when I found this map fabric. This bag was a gift for a sweet person who loves maps. : ) The bag below, is the one Sara made from the pattern a few years ago. Just a short one today. I hope you're all doing well.
A couple years ago I ordered this cake stand in the color, ivory, from Ballard's.
Here it is, below, a few days before the "Oops" happened. Awwww Thank goodness I was able to salvage the plate part and the base in one piece. I took a hammer and knocked off that sharp edge. Next...I went straight to Goodwill and found THE PERFECT item to fix my plate. Only $2.99. Thank you, Goodwill. : ) I took it apart because I didn't need all of it. I used these items below to help me with the project. Primer first, then ivory paint, then gloss acrylic spray. Drying well, between each coat. Then I glued it all back together with E-6000 glue, available at Walmart and hardware stores. And, voila!!! : ) Happy Days Are Here Again! : ) And speaking of Happy Days... we took the little princesses to KFC the other night. The same one that "Aunt Sara and Uncle Will" went to for some of their engagement pics. Awww, so cute!!! : ) I'm linking up to:
Actually about that PHOTO! Sara was taking candid photos one night while the whole Fam was at Chick-fil-A. I decided to use it because it made me look younger. When my married daughter ,Emily, saw it she said ever so sweetly (really), "Ah Mom, you're not wearing any make-up in that photo." I said, "Yeah, but it makes me look younger than I am." I chose younger with no make-up as opposed to older (with) make-up. Go figure.