As I was looking through my picture files recently, I thought it would be fun to put together a compilation of my favorite Halloween Decorating over the past few years. Enjoy! : )
* Click HERE to see my "Favorite Halloween Crafts" Post!
Princess C wanted a Luau Birthday Party. How fun!!!
One 99 cent package of tissue makes one skirt. Sew ribbon across all layers at the top. Cut your thin strips and... viola!! : ) THESE TISSUE FLOWERS WERE ALL CUT WITH A SIMPLE PAPER PUNCH FOR THE CRAFT STORE. Let's go fishing! The "CATCH"......each fish had instructions for something goofy to do in front of everyone!!! It was a big hit! :-D The Limbo!!! Mood music! Happy Birthday, Angel-girl!!! We love you very much! And...I had to throw in my latest Halloween creations!
Some of my past designs... Also, this little guy and the pendant jewelry are sitting over in my Shop. And here's where we went this past weekend. With lots of GREAT young people!!! Next day, we helped them with this fun "Wax Hand" activity. You go back an forth between ICE-COLD water and the wax several times. Then you slowly wiggle your hand out and "voila"!!! : ) Hang loose.......Hang ten.......or I love you........or whatever that means! : -D
Actually about that PHOTO! Sara was taking candid photos one night while the whole Fam was at Chick-fil-A. I decided to use it because it made me look younger. When my married daughter ,Emily, saw it she said ever so sweetly (really), "Ah Mom, you're not wearing any make-up in that photo." I said, "Yeah, but it makes me look younger than I am." I chose younger with no make-up as opposed to older (with) make-up. Go figure.