You know how every family has their "Glory Days"? Well, the years spent in this home, in Texas, were the glory years for our family. My mom and dad turned this beautiful home and the landscaping into a palace over the years. Below, are my dad, Andy and June. So cute!

The construction!!

Darling little Steve with his daddy. I was still a baby at the time, so was not expected to dig and work yet. : )

I can't get over how sweet this pic of my sister, Diana, and one of our Grandmothers is in front of our beautiful home.

Last Wednesday I took my mom to get her eyeglasses adjusted. She was complaining about them recently.

Much better. Thanks Nancy and Penny. : )

I wish I could have caught a photo of the cute little boy that was running around and who captured my mom's happy attention. She adores watching children!!!

I took this photo in the car because my mom was sure her hair "looked awful" that day, so I took this and showed her, to prove that it certainly didn't!

Playing around for Valentine's Day. I got my inspiration from all the "Candy Bars" I've seen in wedding pics lately. I couldn't resist.

I made the winged heart (above) and the tag (below) last year.

Remember the Halloween flags I had in my display last October? Well, I decided to save myself the $8.00 and make my own V-Day flag. So easy!!!

I still need to put up these bubble hearts...

and put this up in my hallway. Maybe tomorrow. : )
Be Mine and... Be Good! : )