I'm not sure where the other two kiddos, June and Andy, were while Dad took this photo. Maybe they were off getting us all ice cream cones. : )
My brother, Steve, and his cute wife, Cindy, stopped by on their way out of town last Wednesday. It was so great to see them.

Above, I got a chance to trim Mom's hair again. She was a very cooperative client.

Roses from my sister, June's friend. They came from her garden. Thanks Linda! : )

The two sweet puppies that live at my mom's place. Usually they're indoors. They must have run through the doggy door when we went out back.

Now, onto the fun. My cute blogging buddy, PJ, is celebrating her one year Blogoversary with an amazing Giveaway. Rush right over
here to see all the details. 1st prize: $75 gift card to Amazon. 2nd prize: $60 gift card for a custom sign from Castle & Cottage (beautiful by the way), and if she reaches over 300 followers, there will be a 3rd prize announced. Good luck!!! And happy anniversary, PJ.