Several years ago I lost my husband and son in the same year. My husband died suddenly at work one day from a heart defect. Six months later my son, Preston, died of cancer at the age of 18. Because of our faith in God and trusting in His infinite wisdom, my three remaining children and I were able to go on. It wasn't easy, but we knew He would watch over us and help us get through this most difficult trial that was required of us. Little by little we picked up the pieces and went forward with faith. We continued to be blessed with more precious grandchildren and Sara's wedding to her sweet William.
This past Summer a mutual friend (and God, in my opinion) found a way for the new "Mr. House of Whimsy" and I to meet. He had also lost his wife. We immediately felt very comfortable visiting with one another. We dated all Summer......and married in September. : )
Of Course I had to put a pair of my birds on the wedding cake. Everyone told me so. : )
Below, immediately following the Wedding.
Below, a little later at the Reception Hall.
I chose champagne and cream for the colors...very traditional.
Below, we used a few of the white trees w/ lights from Sara and William's reception.
Right after cutting the cake:
This cute photo below was the very first time my granddaughters met Mr. H. o W. (House of Whimsy). They kept bringing little wind up toys over to him. It melted my heart. : )
I'm very grateful to all of our combined adult children for being so gracious about this shift in their lives. I'm sure it has been challenging at times, but they have all been completely amazing. I'll always love them for that.
So now you know who to blame for my lack of blogging all Summer. What a handsome distraction. : )
caught my eye + deals 2.28.25
5 days ago
Congratulations! What a beautiful couple... and everything at the reception looked lovely I bet you are on cloud 9! Hugs, Diane
Such wonderful news!! Thanks for sharing your happiness with all of us...God is good!
How fabulous! I have just blubbed my way through your entire post! Tears of joy for you I hasten to add!! What gorgeous both look so happy & everything was just so pretty in the reception hall! I wish you every happiness for your continued life together & look forward to reading about your adventures in 'The House of Whimsy'!! {{hugs}} xxx
Wonderful news !! Congratulations and Best Wishes! You have a good excuse for not posting - You are excused. :-D
Well I would say that is the most exciting news I've heard all week! Congratulations to you both! You make an adorable couple and look like you are so happy! You are forgiven for not posting. Will there be big changes in housing arrangements? New places to decorate? It's going to be fun seeing what's to come. Big hugs to you both. Mimi
Congratulations! Everything looked beautiful and what a lovely couple you make :)
Well, aren't you a little secret keeper? ;) I couldn't be more happy for you both~You are just glowing with happiness in the photos and are gorgeous! And yes, he is quite handsome to boot! You make a lovely couple-Congratulations and God bless your whole combined family~♥
I have read your blog for years and never knew about you losing your husband and son. I'm very happy you found someone to keep you company and love. In my opinion, he's one lucky man.
Awe. Your picture is still hanging on our fridge--its too cute to take down just yet...
PS. We saw the Dopps at your reception. They lived in our ward before they moved to QC and were Les' neighbors. They sure were sad to have him leave but I guaranteed them you are one wonderful lady and that he had a good reason to go!
Congratulations pretty lady, what wonderful news. I'm so happy for you, and hope to see you some time in the future, again.
Yay!! I'm sooo happy for you. How exciting. You were a beautiful bride and he, a handsome groom. Loved seeing the pictures. The cake topper is perfect and I wouldnt be able to imagine anything else on your cake. Now, dont be a stranger here... Ive missed you!
Yeah!! I'm so happy for you! Wishing you the very best! Looking at your last picture--OK, you are excused!
Congratulations! :)
Love, Brenda
I'm so glad you found you a wonderful man. It was great to meet him at the reception. We sure wish the very best for you and your families.
I am crying tears of joy right now.....I am so happy for you all.
I just never realized that you suffered so much loss in your life....and knowing that made those tears even more joyful.
Wishing you a blessed and happy life together.
Brings tears to my eyes! You have always been so amazing and I am so happy for you!
Many, many blessings sent your way! God is good!
I am so happy for you! Congratulations! God works in wonderful and mysterious ways!
Oh my GOSH! Oh my GOSH! How exciting and wonderful for you! You so deserve it! Congratulations to you and your family!
Congratulations! May God bless you with lots of love and happiness :)
Absolutely wonderful! Congratulations to you both. Your cake and reception set up were fabulous. I'm so very happy for you.
A very big lump in my throat. I knew of course about your husband and I've had you in my heart and in my prayers over the last couple of years but I didn't know about your son also. We all have a story and what a very painful story you have. God draws us so close in these times and I have one of these hard stories too that I will never be able to share on my blog but let me just say, I understand more than you know.
Now! Life has become beautiful again for you. The wedding pictures are so awesome and I kept thinking of how large your new husband is compared to you and how he stands so tall and strong. His love and his protection over you speaks strong through the pictures. Your family is now blended, with so many more to love.
God is good, all the time, in the storm and in the rainbows in life. Congrats, I'm so very happy for you both!
In kindness,
This is the most joyous of news! The heart is endlessly capable of love. I think this is God's greatest gift to us. Much happiness sent your way! Elizabeth
Hello Mary-Lou, Oh my gosh, I'm so happy for the both of you. What a beautiful couple you both make. Yes, I can see why you have been so busy all summer long. You look so pretty and so young too :O) Blessings, Sandy xo
How exciting! So happy for you my friend! You are such an amazing and beautiful lady!
Mary Lou! What a great surprise to read this in my list of unread blogs! Congratulations to you both. I had no idea that you had lost your husband and your son so close together. I just lost my mom (two weeks ago tomorrow) so I can relate...just a little. :(
Anyway! A great big happy hug coming your way. This is fantastic news and I wish you many years of bliss and happiness!
Aww Mary Lou, what wonderful news, congratulations! I'm so happy that God has sent someone to share your love and life with. May you continue to be blessed with many years of laughter and love! Nan
Oh, congratulations. You are such a precious lady and I'm so glad that God brought you someone to spend the rest of your life with. HE is a handsome fellow...and you all make a cute couple!!!
Again, I couldn't be happier for you and your new hubby! You SO deserve to be this happy!!!!! Hugs, Sandy
Well, I'm a little behind the times but so excited for you. Congratulations. You both look very happy together.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU!! I don't know why I didn't see this until now, but I am just thrilled! You are an angel and deserve only the best! XOXOX Lucinda
I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU!! I don't know why I didn't see this until now, but I am just thrilled! You are an angel and deserve only the best! XOXOX Lucinda
I too have been a blogging MIA person......I so need to catch up......I have had all kinds of blogger computer it just was not fun.....But I decided tonight to stop in and visit some of my old favs!!!!I AM SO HAPPY for you!!!!
I am sure Mr. HOW will fit right in and you fit into his you are all one big Blessed family!!!
CONGRATS on the twins too!!!!
Hugs 2 U,
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