Home from the Honeymoon, in front of their first apartment as man and wife.

NOTICE: This project below, is only partially finished. This is where we left off last week.
Oh, how I wish I would have taken a photo before we did anything to the clock. The whole thing was a bright "Brady Bunch" orange. My mom always mentions little projects she would like to tackle some day and one by one, I try to make them happen...even if I don't know what I'm doing.

This is the finished product, below. We stained the whole thing, leaving just a hint of orange showing through by sanding lightly. I also darkened the face so it wouldn't be such a BRIGHT orange and then speckled it, using the black stain on a toothbrush and running my thumb across it. That process throws out speckles everywhere. *Should be done over newspaper or outside.

Next, I hung these two pictures my mom use to have in her last house.

Then, we went to Home Depot to pick out some brown paint, so I could paint this little ledge above the back of the cabinets. It's been bothering her for awhile, having the white butt up against the brown of the cabinets. Such a simple job... to bring so much contentment to her. : )

Then, my two little "fairies" came by for a bit and decided to do some more dancing for G.G.

So Sweet!!!

Then, off to the grocery store and we called it a day. Another successful Wednesday. : )