I just had to show this one first today. I wish my mom would have saved those masks. They're awesome!

Some of you have asked where I fit in, in my family. Well, I ended up being the caboose. So, my mom is expecting my brother, Steve, here.

Last Wednesday was a most unusual day. When I arrived at my mom's Home Care facility, my mom was sleeping. Sam, the caregiver (along with her husband, Roger) asked if I could run and pick up some things Mom was out of. So I ran to Walmart, Costco, home to pick up my sewing machine and then to my mom's storage unit to find her previous comforter and pillow shams. She had really been missing them.

The only problem is, that I left the nice chart that my SIL made with all the box numbers and contents listed on it at home. Stubborn me did not want to go back home again, so I thought I would just start opening boxes to find it. HUGE MISTAKE. I probably opened twenty heavy (and stacked) boxes before finally finding it.

The reason I picked up my sewing machine was so I could turn this Queen sized comforter into a twin. But Sam said, "Let's just use it as a bedspread and call it good." Thank you Sam!!! I had to laugh when I opened one of the boxes to find this book,
This Too Shall Pass, staring at me. So I snapped a photo. : )

Since I didn't snap any pics of my mom last week, I thought I would include this adorable one of my sister and mom at the Zoo (from last Friday). What an angel she was to take her and push the wheelchair that day.

A couple of Summers ago we got on this Amy Butler kick over here. We finally got around to finishing up this pattern.

The only change we made was to the sleeves. For some reason Sara didn't care for those little puffy capped sleeves, so we changed them out for the ones you see here. Sara did most of the work with some assistance here and there from me. Great job, sweetie!!

Also, that Summer, Sara picked up this pattern, below, along with some Amy Butler fabric.

Here's her bag, below. I like it even better than the one shown on the pattern.
I'll leave you with something to chuckle about today. Yesterday, Sara had an eye appointment. While in the waiting room she tapped my arm and whispered in a concerned voice, "Mom, look down that hall."

Then we both cracked up when she said, "Oh yeah, I forgot...it's Halloween." Silly girl! : )

Have a good one!!