Still trying to recoup from the Wedding. In the meantime, I thought I would share the following from Halloween, 2009. Enjoy!
A Spooky Little Tutorial:

This project above, came from the magazine below.

On page 111.

As you can see, the two jars on the right came from Goodwill, but the third came from a half-off sale at Michael's.

I typed the word "Boo" in several fonts, but settled on this one which is called 'LD Type keys'.

I wanted the jars to look like they were on little pedestals, so I put them on glass candlestick holders. Also, I needed the candy corn to keep the papers in place.

Martha Stewart inspiration below...glitter up your skeleton heads for a more "bewitching" effect.

Next, I took a "Poison" label that I got from the "Graphics Fairy" and glued it onto an old bottle.

I got this idea (below) of putting the moon face on a clock from another Halloween magazine, but I can't remember which one.

Just a little poly stuffing in the glass to look like a foggy-brew of some sort.

Happy Haunting. : )