Today, I wanted thank my mom's little "fan club", who stop by here each week to check in on her. I originally started this little feature in 2008 for two reasons...first, for my brothers & sisters, my mother's grandchildren and great grandchildren. Second, to force myself to be consistent with my Wednesday visits. I knew this would keep me accountable and I've loved every minute of documenting these days together. So thank you for caring about her, too. : )

I thought I would highlight some pics of my sister, June, today because she had the week off from Work last week and was able to go to lunch with Mom and me.

And I didn't want my sister, Diana, to feel left out (she lives in another State). We wish you could have joined us last week, Diana!

What a great time the three of us had getting out together.

Below, explaining something important...I just can't remember what, now???

I can't believe what a good sport my mom has been for these last two years, when it comes to posing for me. She ALWAYS complies with my silly requests. Thanks, mom! : )

Remember my great motivation for cleaning the Guestroom/Studio last week? Well, here she is in all her adorable splendor!!! Cute, cute Melanie! I took this pic on Sunday. Her mom (my SIL) made this dress that looks just like it came out of an Audrey Hepburn movie.
We couldn't resist. : )
My next post will be all about our "Excellent Adventure" of a weekend...and beyond. Part of it involved this wonderful performance by Melanie's big sister, Julie's, school choir.

Have a good Wednesday!