Okay, this needs an explanation. I belong to one of the oldest and largest Women's Organizations in the World.
Well, we're getting ready to have a Local Centennial Celebration of this Women's Organization here in our Community.
This morning we met down at the church to cut out 40+ aprons (prototype above) for the women who have lived here for decades and contributed so much to this Organization. We're expecting hundreds to attend.
Above, is the logo patch that will go on the pocket of their aprons.
While we were sewing (above), they were practicing the play and dances (below) that will help commemorate the different decades of recreation and service.
So... I'm in charge of the display that evening which includes: Sewing, Fashion, and Laundry.
I've been collecting some beautiful vintage aprons for the event.
Below, this belonged to someone's grandmother.
There's quite the story to go with the "rose bud" apron, below.
When my sweet mother passed away, I was honored to receive this beautiful piece of fabric. But I was a bit puzzled regarding what I should do with it.
Then, one day while surfing the Internet, I found this photo below and knew exactly why it was printed that way. If this photo belongs to you, please let me know, so I can give you credit. : )
Mine, below.
Also, my grandmother's hankie, below.
I just cut off one corner for the pocket.
That's me wearing it (in the mirror).
Next...remember Sara and Will's Wedding Banner? Well, I will be using it in my display to put photos of old dress patterns on one side, and vintage apron patterns on the other side.
This old Lucille Ball pattern was actually in my Mom's old stuff. LOVE IT!
Found this iron at Goodwill. I had my heart set on one with a "fabric" cord that was black and white striped. Thank you, Goodwill!
Someone had to tell me what this was (below). Apparently, moms used to sprinkle their clothes that had just come out of the washer...roll them up...put them in a plastic bag...and in the fridge, till they could get to the ironing. I guess it kept them from mildew-ing???
There's the "infamous" grapes so many women had in their Livingrooms in the the 60s and 70s. I LOVE them!
Someone is loaning me this darling little evening bag. The small opening suggests to me that they could only carry lipstick and maybe a small bottle of perfume in it.
I found this quote explaining Relief Society and its purpose. I sure love the women I serve with:
"As sisters in Relief Society today, we have a rich and faithful heritage. More than 165 years have passed since the Prophet Joseph Smith met with a small group in Nauvoo, Illinois, to organize the women of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We now number over five and a half million Relief Society sisters in 170 countries across the earth. Like those who preceded us, we stand today united in faith, and committed to building the kingdom of God.
Those founding sisters came from different circumstances—three of them were in their late teens, some were raising families, and others were single. Then and now, as women of all ages, marital statuses, and cultures, we consecrate ourselves to the cause of Christ through our service."
Relief Society was founded in 1842 as part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints. (Which you have probably read all about on the NieNie Dialogues. : )
Have a good weekend!
caught my eye + deals 2.7.25
5 days ago