Let me just say first, that my baby girl has been very, very sick for over a week now.

Oops...I forgot...she looks like this now, but I still think of her as the photo above...especially when she's sick. Anyway, we've been to the Dr. four times in the past week because the glands in her neck have been swollen out to the Wa-Zoo and her tonsils have been swollen, which makes it painful to swallow. Poor baby. She has Mono.(no, not from kissing a boy) she got it in some (un)glamorous way which is still a mystery to us. The Dr. we saw yesterday finally put her on the right meds to give her some relief. Today the E.N.T. Dr. said we are on the right track now, and gave her the all-clear. This is the very first day she woke up feeling better rather than worse since all this began a week and a half ago. I'm very grateful!

So, to celebrate
the relief from constant worry for the past several days, I did something creative tonight (close to her, at the kitchen table) while she vegged on the couch and watched American Idol. Have you ever heard of Grungeboard, by Tim Holtz? Well, it's fun stuff. It's flexible, unlike chipboard.