This photo was taken on my parent's wedding day. I love taking in every detail. Old California...wish I could have been there! : )
I didn't take any photos of my mom last week, because she was having a rough time. I told my brothers and sisters afterwards, that I guess we'll just have to treasure the good days, because it seems to go back and forth.
So, I thought instead, I would re-post an old favorite of mine from 2008. Enjoy!...'re not seeing double. Sara & I went to an antique store last week and I bought this second M.E. teapot. When they were ringing it up Sara said, "Don't you have one just like that at home?" I replied, "yes", but that I was planning on changing
this one up a bit. She just shrugged her shoulders and said, "Hmm." Note: I paid (around) $28.00 for the first one at a very nice boutique several years ago. This second one only cost me $8.00. However, there is a little chip in the base, but that didn't bother me because I was planning on painting over it anyway.

SO...let the fun begin! I chose red nail polish for the new flower color. And black enamel paint for the new polka-dots and base color. NOTE: The nail polish worked so much better. I ended up having to paint clear nail polish over the black.

For the big polka-dots I used a pencil eraser.

Bye-bye pink.

And I used the ball of a sewing pin for the little polka-dots.

Cute little cousins now. : )

One last photo with the flash so you can see how bright the red really is.
DO try this at home. : )