Happy, Happy Mom because last week she was finally released from the mortal body that acted as her prison over the last part of her life. She has now been joyously reunited with our father, her parents, her brother and all the other loved ones who were anxiously awaiting her arrival on the other side. I can only imagine her joy as she arrived.

Our mom passed away late last Monday night. From Tuesday on, everyone spent every waking moment getting things set in motion to transport our mom to where our dad is buried, making all the other arrangements and traveling up North.

My brother, Steve, and I arrived one day earlier than the rest, so we took the opportunity (along with his son, Rob) to clean the headstones.

Someone took this photo of me and my girls, I can't remember who, but I'm grateful. : )
All five siblings together (below). I love you guys!!! We were so touched by how many showed up for the viewing since my parents have been gone from the area for many years now. Everything was lovely and I wouldn't have changed a thing. So many grand children and great grand children were in attendance, too. I know they
ALL wished they could have been there, but it was simply impossible for some. We know your hearts were there that day.
As promised, I intended to do a 'Wednesdays With My Mom' Wrap-Up this week. How interesting that it truly IS the real wrap-up since my mom went "Home" last week.

These first two collages are of activities I went to with my mom, at her Assisted Living Community. I'll never forget this sweet Cowboy who paid a little extra attention to my mom because he knew I was taking pictures for the Family.

Below: Activities and projects at the apartment.

Below: Great times enjoying the front and back porches. That's my sister, June, with my mom in the lower right corner.

Just a few of the many Dr.s appointments.
My mom was always such a good sport!!! : )
All the fun times getting Mom's hair colored and cut. June and I started doing it together at her home toward the end.

Projects...goodies...eating at Costco! Who could forget eating pizza at Costco??? Mom loved it!!! : )

Below: Lots and lots of shopping trips!!!

Just a few pics, below, of my local brother and sister with Mom.

Below, is one of the numerous times my sister, June, went over to the the 'Home Care' to play the piano and sing with the women who live there. You can also see her beautiful DIL, Kristie, playing the viola next to her that day. I know it brought unmeasured joy to my mother and the others. I wish my siblings "blogged" so that you could see the hours and hours of sweet service they each gave in one way or another to my mom. We worked as a team these last several years and I don't think any of us could have done it alone.

And let's not forget all the great hours spent watching old movies and television shows. I hope my dad has forgiven her for having a little crush on Lorne Greene these past few years. : )

Above and below: some sweet memories of G.G. spending time with my children and my grand babies. I will treasure these photos forever.

Below: All the dear little projects Mom helped me with during her visits to my house.

And last... a few more adorable pics of my mom, just because!!!

During one of the times (these past few days) that we were all sitting around reminiscing about our mom, my oldest brother, Andrew, told us a poignant story. Mom was staying at his home the night our dad passed away and said to him the next morning, "I never wanted to wake up in a world that didn't have your father in it."
Mom, you finally got your wish. : )

Photo above, taken from a beautiful Golden Anniversary book made by my SIL and my niece. Thank you Kathleen and Becky. It was so nice to be able to display this at the viewing. We've all arrived back to our homes as of late this afternoon. I'm very grateful that everything went so well and I know our mother is pleased. : )

Till we meet again, sweet Mom.
Mary Lou