How could I resist sharing these with you???!!! These little "bugs" are growing like weeds.
Thanks to their big sisters (below), we got our front yard all decked out for the holiday this year.
Cute "Mr. House of Whimsy" was a big help, too!
Below, all ready for the big night!
Originally, they were all lined up, up the stairs.
Hope you had a good one this year! : )
caught my eye + deals 2.28.25
1 week ago
Now isn't this something! I was just thinking of you this morning.
Life looks happy. There's a lot of 'cute' going on! I'm sure you're enjoying it!
Thanks for sharing the photos!!
Oh I just love those smiles with the little teeth on the stinkin' cute.
The little (getting bigger) bugs are adorable.
The rats made me laugh!
Aw, it's always nice to see your blog pop up in my reader. Your little bugs are just SOOOOO cute!!! And the rats greeting you was cute too. :o) It sounds like you are happy, Mary Lou, and I really love that!
So glad to see you here ! And those babies!!! How beautiful they are! Im glad youre enjoying life with Mr H.O.W. And that he likes to jump in on the halloween fun and activities. I love that he put those rats out to greet you. thats awesome!
dont be a stranger and have a great day!
Oh my goodness those babies are getting so big! And they are adorable! Anyone who helps with putting up Halloween decorations is a keeper. Good job Mr HOW! So good to hear from you. You are sounding so happy! So happy for you. Mimi
I love those rats!
and the littles are pretty cute too
I love when they do silly things like that with the rats. Ha! so fun. One day one of my birds "escaped" from his cage and perched on a chair instead.
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